Chapter 42

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My phone begins to light up on my desk with a FaceTime call from Daniel. Before I answer it, I quickly finish Fay's raspberry cheese cake, feeling amazed that I'm able to actually eat again after how ill I've felt for the last few weeks.

Fay beams at me when she takes her final bite before standing to take the tub from me.

I wipe the crumbs from around my lips with the back of my hand. "You want to finally say hello to Daniel?" I ask her as I reach across to pick my phone up.

She shakes her head. "No hun, you have some private time with him. You said it's been four weeks since he's been home, so the last thing he's going to want to see is my face." She laughs as she points at her face. "Anyway, I need to get these washed up and get back to work." She gestures towards the door where Ben is standing outside.

"OK, see you on Friday?" I ask.

"Yep, here twice a week as usual! Tell you what, shall I make a chocolate fudge cake for Friday? It's good to actually see you eating." She asks, knowing it's my favourite.

"Oooh yes please! Your cakes are the best!" I wave goodbye to her as she opens the door. I just hope I feel well enough to eat it.

"See you then." I watch her begin to talk to Ben, and I wonder idly whether they have a thing for each other.

I slide the button across my screen, and there he is. "Hey you!" I say brightly, ignoring the pounding inside my head.

"Hi yourself! How are you feeling today?" He leans into the camera to get a better look at my face. "You look pale, babe. Should you really be at work?"

"I feel much better. It must be a bug that I just can't shake. Anyway, how's it going over there?" I change the subject quickly, sick of talking about this stupid illness.

"Nearly done, I reckon another week... maximum. Then, I'm home!" He exclaims with a huge smile.

"I cannot wait. Robin has sorted me a dress for the premiere at the end of next week, so all sorted." I grin at him, but I'm distracted when I see the dark circles under my eyes and the grey shade my skin exudes in the little square at the bottom of my screen.

"That's great news. So... anything happened... at all?" His brow furrows deeply.

"Nope, absolutely nothing. I'm starting to feel human again, and it's been four weeks and two days of silence from the nutter. Everyone is more relaxed now, with the exception of Ben! He seems to be getting more tense with each passing day." I glance up at Ben who stands formally with his back to my office.

"You know he thinks the psycho is planning something big. Whereas Rhys thinks that whoever it was has realised their little game hasn't worked, so they've probably moved their obsession onto someone else." He pauses before releasing a huge sigh. "I just wish we knew for sure."

"Me too, but we need to stay positive." A stomach cramp suddenly ripples across my core taking my breath away. The familiar nauseous feeling begins to rise up. "My phone is ringing. I got to go. Speak later. Love you." I cut him off and race to the toilet.

"Lizzie?" Ben exclaims when I bolt past him. "Shit, not again!"

I expel everything in my body, but the crippling stabbing sensation remains. I curl up in the fetal position, and rest my burning forehead onto the freezing tiles.

Once the feeling has begun to subside, I make my way cautiously back to my office.

Ben is standing at my desk when I return. "I'm taking you home." He says bluntly when he observes my dishevelled appearance.

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