Chapter 7

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Our return journey to the airfield is quiet. The air is thick with tension. Our little escape from the world is nearly over and soon we will have to return to reality. Whatever that is going to be, this time round!

I glance over at Daniel. I see that he is resting his head against the cold window, and is repeatedly biting his thumb nail. He looks completely lost in thought. I want so badly to reassure him and tell him that everything is going to be OK, but I'm not really sure whether it will be.

Thinking back, I know that I have been shielded from the majority of Daniel's insane lifestyle for the entire time I've known him. Other than a short trip to L.A, our disastrous holiday to Dubai, and a few days in Ireland, he's been right there next to me. Selfishly, I've always thought of him being around. But now I'm going to have to learn to only see him when his schedule allows.

What terrifies me the most is that I'm going to have to live in his world. Shit, this is going to all be so alien to me.

I replay our conversation last night about his upcoming filming commitments and it makes me feel nauseous. How are we ever going to find the time for each other? My job will fill the normal working week and even with my naivety of Hollywood, I understand that his filming schedule will not be the usual Monday to Friday.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asks with a furrowed brow.

I don't want to make the end of our trip uncomfortable, so I ponder whether I should lie. But then we have made a promise to be honest. If we have any chance of making this work, then I can't lie, even though it's so hard. Here goes with the truth, I think, while taking a deep breath.

"I'm just worried how we are going to make it work after Christmas... I don't mean us, as in commitment... I mean... logistically. How are we going to find time for each other? I can't keep taking time off from work to come and see you, but I know you won't just be able to come home when you feel like it. How far away are you going to be with each of the movies? Could I travel you every Friday night after work and travel back Sunday evening? But then, will you be filming over the weekend? So, there wouldn't be much point in me coming to see you. I don't want to-"

"Lizzie, baby... you're rambling." He reaches across to take my hand and squeezes it reassuringly.

Shit, yes I am. "Sorry, I have verbal diarrhoea. I just have all these thoughts in my head that I didn't expect to have, and... I'm worried Daniel." I feel a wave of emotion hit me like a tidal wave. "I've only just found you again..."

"Hey, hey. Lizzie... look at me." He says gently, using his cupped hand to lift my chin. I reluctantly meet his piercing blue eyes. "I promise you, right now that we will make this work. I'm not going to lie and say it'll be easy, because it's us... so it'll be difficult as hell. But I love you and it'll be worth it. I will do whatever I need to. You are my priority, just you. So, how about we make a deal?"

"What kind of deal?" I say with a sniff. Being the lady that I am, without thinking, I use my sleeve to wipe my nose. Thankfully, Daniel doesn't even flinch.

"No more than four weeks apart... ever. One of us will make the trip to the other. We will take it in turns. I know you love your career too, so I think that would be doable for both of us. But, we will FaceTime every day, no matter where in the world I'm filming. How does that sound?"

I want to say that four weeks is too long, but I know that with my job any less wouldn't work long term. My heart soars that Daniel hasn't mentioned me quitting my job and that he seems to recognise how much it means to me. "Deal." I whisper with a nod, and hold out my little finger.

He wraps his little finger around mine and we shake.

"Pinkie promises are legally binding you know." He grins at me.

"I'm counting on it." I grin back at him.

Once we are in the air, I feel exhausted. Like the weight of reality is bearing down on me. I'm not in the mood to deal with Grace's blatant flirting, so I just close my eyes tightly and try to drown out her annoying, high pitched giggling.

Daniel pulls me onto his lap and I cuddle up to him. I breathe in his familiar scent. Having his arms around me makes me feel completely loved.

An idea jumps into my head when Grace has finished clearing up our breakfast. I lean up and whisper into his ear. "Fancy joining the mile high club?" I bite my lip to suppress the huge smile on my face.

The smile slides from my lips when I see the conflict in his eyes. I should have known that someone like Daniel would be a fully paid up member of the mile high club. How naive of me!

"Forget it." I say, trying to keep the emotion out of my voice. I sit up and begin to clamber off him.

Daniel tightens his grip around me, so I can't budge. "We agreed no more secrets. I'm not going to lie to you. So, yes I've had sex on a plane before."

I just nod in response. I'm so bloody stupid. My mind immediately switches into overdrive. When did it happen? More than once? Who was it with? Lucy? Better not be that bitch, Kimberly!

"You're wondering who with aren't you? For fuck sake Lizzie, don't do this to yourself. It doesn't matter. I'm with you now. I only want to be with you. Actually... get off." Daniel pushes me off him and stands up right behind me. "We're going to have sex right now."

He walks around me and holds his hand out for me to take. He raises his eyebrows impatiently when I don't move. He then stands still with his hands firmly placed on his hips, waiting for me to move.

"No, it was a bad idea." I sit back down heavily in my seat.

"You asked me a question. Should I have lied?" He asks in frustration.

"No. Definitely not. I just should have known you would have before. Other than you, I've only ever been with Ed and I just forget that you..." I don't finish my sentence because I know I'm being ridiculous.

Daniel kneels in front of me. "I've never kept it from you that before I married Lucy, I had been with my fair share of women. None of them really meant anything. After Lucy, there were a couple of flings, one of them being Kimberly." He shakes his head and I'm sure I see him shudder.

"I can't change my past Lizzie, just like you can't change yours." He pauses like he's not sure whether to continue. "It was Lucy. I hope you realise that I would love to take all of that shit back. But... I can't." He roughly rubs his hands down his cheeks, across the stubble I love so much.

I decide that I can either let this come between us or get over it. A feeling of unease hits my chest. I know that once Daniel is filming we will have a lot more challenging things to deal with than whether he has had sex on a plane before. Grow up Lizzie, I scream to myself.

I stand up and I see the panic on Daniel's face as he tries to work out what I'm doing. I take a step away from him, leaving him kneeling on the floor.

I turn back round as I reach the bathroom door. "Well... you coming?" I grin at him as I watch his mouth hang open. "Oh... I should tell you... I have on one of the sets Sarah bought for us. Wanna see?" I wink and then step into the bathroom.

I giggle as Daniel races to the door and slams it shut behind him.

- hey guys. Thank you so much for still reading!

Please let me know what you think of this chapter.

Lizzie is struggling with what is going to happen once they are back home and also, with the fact that Daniel has definitely played the field before her! Do you think she is being reasonable?

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