Chapter 20

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The laptop screen flickers as I try desperately to concentrate on working. But, my eyes repeatedly return to the minimised tab at the bottom of the page.

My fingers hover over the little rectangle again as I fight a losing battle to open it. I clear my throat, and pinch the bridge of my nose until I can think straight.

The door knocks, making me jump out of my skin. I stomp over, and open the door. A man in a white dinner jacket stands in front of me with a huge smile on his face.

"Room service, Ms Cooper?" He asks.

I step aside, and allow him to bring the silver tray into Daniel's room. He places it gently onto the table.

"Thank you."

"You're very welcome Ms. Cooper. Enjoy the rest of your evening." He says swiftly and leaves, closing the door behind him.

I sit down heavily in front of the tray with Marcia and Jenny's words about me not being enough for Daniel echoing through my mind. I shouldn't have ordered this!

I lift the lid, and the smell of the cheeseburger and fries wafts up to greet me like a comfort blanket.

"Bitches." I mutter as I take a huge bite of the cheeseburger, followed by a handful of fries.

Once I've finished devouring the meal that I imagine they wouldn't even dare to taste, I return to my work.

Much later and with bleary eyes, I glance at the clock. I'm surprised that it is after 10pm. My phone flashes beside me and beeps with a message tone. I grab it immediately.

Hey. Just finished. That's brilliant, babe. Will be back at the hotel in about half an hour. Hope you're feeling OK. I agree, I'm the luckiest man alive... even if you snore like a bear! D x

I giggle at his message, and quickly respond.

Cannot wait to see you. I DO NOT SNORE! L xxx

I finish what I'm working on, before closing all of the applications down. I sit back in the chair when I notice the little tab is still there.

I should just delete it, but instead I click on it. The website of Alistair Scholes jumps onto my screen. I read his impressive list of accreditations, and study all of the before and after shots. Some of them are subtle, but many of them show remarkable transformations.

A separate screen pops open with a picture of a very attractive woman asking if I want to make an appointment to attend a consultation. Do I?

My fingers hover, ready to enter my details when I hear the bedroom door fly open. Like a naughty child, I slam the laptop lid shut as though I have been caught in some mischievous act.

"Hey." I say a little too enthusiastically, and rush over to Daniel.

"I'm so glad you decided to stay." He wraps his arms around me. I bury my face into his chest, and immediately feel intoxicated by his smell. He's clearly had a physical day on set because he smells like sweat and dirt. I take a deep breath through my nose, and know that if it wasn't for the pain in my hand I would definitely be leading him straight to bed.

"How is it feeling?" He asks seriously, oblivious to my thoughts. He steps back to look at me properly.

"Hurting like hell, but better now you're here." I grin up at him.

"Of course." He laughs before pressing his lips gently to mine.

Once we part I study his face to see that he looks filthy and exhausted. His face is streamed with mud and what look like painful gashes on his forehead. They appear so real, I think he must have been hurt.

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