Chapter 35

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The neon numbers glowing on the clock read 04.55 in the darkness, and I let out a huge sigh knowing I have another five hours to wait until I meet with Detective Phillips. I haven't slept a wink, spending the early hours tossing and turning while my imagination runs away with awful scenarios of what the day has in store for me.

I fidget repeatedly in bed to try to quieten my restless legs, but I'm aware that my efforts are futile. I need to run.

I reach over onto the nightstand and quickly message Ben. He will still be fast asleep, but I don't want him to worry if I'm not in here when he checks on me after waking in the room next door.

Just going for a run.... don't worry, haven't gone out... will be on the treadmill in the gym!

Thankfully the gym is completely empty at this ridiculous hour. I put in my earphones with a smile spreading across my face as Queen's Don't Stop Me Now begins to play.

I allow my mind to switch off and just listen to the music as I pound the treadmill as fast as I can. The burning sensation in my chest somehow makes me feel that I'm still in control.

Once I begin to tire I glance over at the clock to see that it reads 07.15. Not bad, I think while I reach across to start to slow the speed. Suddenly, I feel a hand brush my arm, and I let out a surprised squeal before almost losing my footing.

I see Ben's stern face glaring at me as though his eyes are about to penetrate my soul with lasers. I turn the music off, and smile awkwardly at him. I slow the treadmill to a fast walk while wiping my sweat soaked hair from my forehead with the back of my hand.

"Morning." I pant while my heart thuds in my chest.

"I thought we agreed that you wouldn't leave the suite unless I was with you." Ben's arms are folded firmly across his chest, exposing the pulsing veins of his forearms in his navy t.shirt.

"I didn't leave the building." I comment dismissively while switching off the treadmill and stepping down from it. Ben towers over me, but I glare right back up at him.

He laughs bitterly. "Do you just invite danger?" He steps forward towards me. "Do you want this person to hurt you?" He bites his bottom lip firmly, making it turn white where his teeth almost cut through the flesh. "I don't understand you!" He bellows. "I'm here to fucking protect you, and you just blatantly disregard my instructions!"

"Please do not speak to me like that!" I snarl back at him, angry at the tone he is using. "Like I said, I didn't leave the building! But anyway, I'm not a prisoner."

"And what if you weren't here when I came down? What if this individual followed you back to the hotel? It doesn't take a fucking genius to know you like to run, Lizzie. The press have shown pictures of you and Daniel running together in the past!" His arms remain folded, but his hands have balled into fists.

"Well I am here, and nothing happened." I smile sarcastically before striding away from him towards the exit.

"Lizzie, stop!" He says and I turn to face him. "You need to be aware of the world you're living in now... I'm sorry to be frank with you, but you are a celebrity by association now. Don't be naive. People want to know everything about you, let alone whichever bastard has you in their sights. You. Are. In. Danger!"

I turn my back on him, and punch the lift call button a little too aggressively. I'm far too angry to respond, so I just stare at the metal doors of the lift waiting for them to open. I feel his eyes boring into the back of my skull, but choose to ignore him. 

The doors ping open. I step in and Ben immediately follows. "We haven't found him yet, you know." Ben says quietly.

"It's not Ed." I respond with gritted teeth, knowing exactly who he is.

Letting in Light ✔️ [Completed] [Book two]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt