CHAPTER 39: Letters

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Dear Jocelyn and Lucian Greymark,

       I am sorry for the break out I had almost two months ago. I know your daughter must be confused. I would like to apologize to you, and your offspring. I just- Mother, you were never truly there. You were hidden, and I know. Jonathan has been staying with me at the New York Institute. He will be leaving in a month, turning eighteen. Is there any possibility that I we could meet and talk?

                                                    ~Clarissa M.

Clary's eyes ran over her letter that was returned. She picked up the note:

Clarissa M.,

Sorry for the inconvenience, but the Greymarks are dead. A fire broke out and they were a sleep at the time.

~New York Postal Services

Her eyes teared. Her heart ached. Her hands shook.

"Clary?" Simon asked, who, had given her the letter back.

Clary let a sob escaped and ripped up the note from the postal service, and threw it to the ground. Simon was in front of her, holding her shoulders. "Clary, what is it?"

She felt bile fill in the back of her throat.

"They're dead, Simon! Jocelyn and Lucian and their little girl just gone!" She sobbed.

"We're Shadowhunters, Clary," He whispered in a soothing way. "We deal with this stuff all the time. Death."

"But this is different, Simon." Her voice shook and croaked, a sign of fear and weakness. "I didn't know them and I never apologized to them for my break out."

"Its the thought that counts. I bet that they forgive you. In Heaven." Simon kissed the top of her head.

Clary sighed, crying softly, and being soothed by her best friend.


I have two more days of vacation but I found a little bit of time to update and read some of the updated fics in my library. Do you guys like the direction of my story? Yes or No?

Stay Classy,


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