14|| Like a Fucking Witch

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"Caspian?!" she said in shock, before embracing me tightly, "What are you doing here? Mom and Dad told me you ran away." I embraced her back and ran a hand comfortingly through her light brown hair as she sobbed into my chest. "Where have you been" she yelled at me, slapping my shoulder because that was how high she could reach. "What do you-" "Joanna, darling, who's at the door" a very familiar voice said. Then, she came into my line of sight. Her face immediately hardened before a scowl made its way onto her face. "Joanna, please go back inside" she said, sweetly, keeping her eyes trained on me. "Okay, I'll see you later Casper" she said, before skipping back inside. Regan glared at me, hate swimming in her eyes. "What the fuck are you doing here, you ugly piece of shit" she hissed.

I swallowed before stammering, "I-I-I..um...M-Melia and I-I are here f-for a f-f-fashion sh-show." She slapped me and said, "Quit stammering and repeat what you just said, properly. NOW!" "You can't hit me like that. I didn't do anything wrong" I said, trying to be brave. A sly smile stretched along her lips before she cackled. Yep. That's right. Cackled. Like a fucking witch. "Oh, lo and behold" she said, still laughing, "Caspian thinks he's all high and mighty just because he's engaged to Melia Devereaux. I think you need someone to knock you off your high pedestal." She cackled again. "Baby, come see who's at the door" she called. A few seconds later, Devin appeared. His jaw clenched and his beady, black eyes narrowed, shining with malice. Regan opened her mouth to say something, but Devin interrupted. "Don't worry, babe, I heard everything" he said, cracking his knuckles. He brought his fist back before punching me in the nose, resulting in a sickening crack. Blood gushed out like waterfalls but he wasn't done yet. In fact, he wasn't even close to done.

By the time he decided that I had been taught my lesson, I had a broken nose, four broken ribs, a black eye, a split lip, and a mouth full of blood. In addition to that, my right wrist was sprained, my right shoulder was dislocated, my right ankle was sprained, and my left leg and arm were broken. At least, I think they were broken. I don't think my leg is supposed to bend that way. The good news is that none of my lungs were punctured. The bad news is that, I can't stand up seeing as one of my legs is broken and my other leg has a sprained ankle. "You're nothing but a stupid, useless, incompetent, mistake" she snarled, slapping me, "So don't ever think that just because you're engaged doesn't mean that you account to anything. You're a worthless piece of nothing. I kept my head down is shame.

She's right.

I am worthless. That's why no one will ever love me. It's only a matter of time before Melia leaves me for another guy. I won't stop her, I'll ju-

Suddenly, a hand backhanded me across the face, making me spit the blood onto the floor in surprise.


He's gonna kill me. Why the fuck did I do that? I looked up and paled when I saw his face swell red with fury. He brought his fist back and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impending punch. A few seconds had passed but nothing was happening. I slowly opened my eyes to Roman holding back Devin. I felt arms on their side of me lifting me up. When they let go of me, pain flared from my ankle and leg causing me to fall. I hit the floor with a thud and the whole world went black.

Melia's POV

I decided to wait until Caspian and the others got here before ordering the food. When they still hadn't arrived 15 minutes later, I started to get a bit worried. What could possibly be taking so long? 'Maybe he had to wake them up and their getting dressed' I tried to reassure myself, but I was still worried. When they still hadn't come 5 minutes later, I decided to go see what was taking so long. I got up and ran to elevator, pressing the button and waiting for it to get to my floor. I tapped my foot impatiently, as I waited. "Fuck this" I said, running to the door that led to the stairwell, when i couldn't wait any longer.

I opened the door and ran up the stairs, taking two at a time. Within minutes, I had reached to top floor and opened the door. I was walking down the Executive Suite Wing when I heard Roman's voice. "He's still breathing, so he must just unconscious" he said, making my heart rate speed up. No, no, no. Please don't be who I think it is. I rounded the corner and gasped, my eyes filling with tears. Roman and the rest of the guys looked up, sympathy overtaking their features. "Melia, I-" "No, No, No" I said, running to where he laid on the ground, pushing them out of the way and falling to my knees, beside him. My vision blurred as tears spilled out of my eyes, cascading down my cheeks like waterfalls.

"Caspian" I said, shaking him, as my body racked with sobs, "Wake up. Please. You can't leave me like this. Please wake up." When he didn't respond, I sobbed even harder. "Wh-Who d-did this" I managed to say, as Roman lifted me up. "His father, Devin Anderson" Roman said, his jaw clenched. I wiped away my tears and stood up properly. "Where is he right now" I said, in a cold tone. "Melia" Roman said, looking me in the eye, "What are you gonna do to him?" "Nothing" I said, nonchalantly, "Just going to send him to hell where he belongs the hard way." "You can't kill Caspian's father" he said, exasperated. "Just watch me" I hissed, "The fuck kind of father does that to his child. I will rip him apart, limb by limb until-" "Please don't kill my father" a voice interrupted. I whirled around and saw Caspian trying to sit up, wincing at the action. Ronnie and Dylan, who were the closest to him, rushed to help him sit against the wall.

I kneeled by him and looked up at his face. "Are you gonna be okay? Can you tell me what hurts? Do you need to go to a hospital? Do we need to call an ambulance? What do I do? How can-" A soft chuckle cut me off in the middle of my rant. "Yes, I'm gonna be okay. A lot of things hurt right now. No, I don't need to go to a hospital. No, you don't need to call an ambulance. All you need to do is just stay with me." I let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "Of course I'll stay with you" I said, bringing my hand up to his face and caressing his cheek. "Promise?" he whispered, looking into my eyes with raw vulnerability. "I promise" I said, refraining from kissing him at this very moment, due to the copper smell coming from his mouth. He smiled, showing his slightly red teeth and I gasped when I saw that some were missing. "Caspian, your teeth" I said, in shock, "How are they gonna grow back." He chuckled a bit before responding, "Lycans have super fast healing. It should grow back in about..5 minutes" He said, shrugging nonchalantly, before wincing when the movement jostled his broken arms.

How can he be so calm about this? Almost like it's happened before. "You speak from experience, almost like he's done this before" I said, narrowing my eyes at him, suspiciously, "Has he?" Caspian licked his lips nervously before responding, "N-No, of c-course not." "Are you lying to me, love" I asked, staring at him innocently. Caspian was about to say something when his back suddenly straightened as his eyes turned a deep shade of blue, almost black. "He's lying" a deep, sexy voice said. I whirled around, looking for the source of the voice. "Over here, love" the voice said, chuckling. I turned around, my eyes wide as I realized the voice had come from Caspian. "C-Caspian" I stuttered, hesitantly reaching out to touch his face. When nothing happened, I stroked his cheek and he leaned into my touch, growling softly. When I let go, his eyes opened and he said, "My name is Hunter and I am Caspian's lycan."


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-Chassity ;)

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