2-53|| Poison and Comas

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Melia's body convulses before going still and her eyes widen.

"Caspian...I..can't...MOVE!" she cries, grunting in between her sentences.

"The poison is already taking effect" Vanny cackles. "First is the paralysis. Then come the fever and hallucinations before she finally DIES in agony."

She cackles again before she turns and tries to run but she doesn't make it very far. Mariah tackles her to the ground and locks her legs and arms around Vanny's body, restricting her movement.

"What the hell do you have against Melia, you psychopathic bitch" Mariah snarls, pulling on her hair.

Suddenly, Vanny's head pops off revealing a very familiar face.


Melia gapes in shock upon seeing her archnemesis smirking evilly.

"I'm baaack," she sings. "Did you miss me?"

"What the fuck is your problem?" Luna snarls uncharacteristically.

"I've finally done it. You're finally gonna die" she says in a shrill voice. "I've tried freak accidents. I've tried food poisoning. And I've tried kidnapping and mercenaries. The one thing that finally worked was poison. Black poison."


"What the hell do you have against me," Melia screams.

Sienna is quiet for a few moments before she shrugs and says, "I just don't like you."

"When I get my hands on you..." Melia growls.

Sienna laughs gleefully. "But you can't..because you're PARALYZED!"

"You won't get away with this, Sienna" I hiss.

She laughs smugly. "I already have, hot stuff. There is no such person as Vanquellica Von Denton. You have no proof that I'm the one who poisoned Melia."

"Or we would have no proof if I wasn't recording what you just said," Luna says, a smug smile on her face as she holds up her phone.

Sienna's face pales and she knocks her head into Mariah's jaw, forcing her to relinquish her hold on Sienna, who tries to run away but is blocked by Roman and Jack.

"Going somewhere," the former says, glaring down at her. 

"Just to the...bathroom."

"Save it. I heard everything" Roman says, his glare intensifying. 

Minutes later, the sound of police sirens fill the air. A couple moments later, several police officers run into the room. One of them, an African American male, steps forward and says, "Sienna Roberts, you're under arrest for harassment, aggravated assault, burglary, kidnapping, arson, larceny, first-degree murder, second-degree murder, felony murder, obstruction of justice, forgery, medical impersonation, check fraud and blackmail."

Our jaws drop once the police officer finishes spewing all her charges.

"I didn't do any of that" Sienna screams in outrage.

"Well, let me refresh your memory. We'll go in the order I just listed your charges." The officer pulls out an iPad and swipes to a photo. "Isn't this you harassing Mrs. Ivanov at an interview 3 years ago."

He swipes again. "Aggravated assault against Mrs. Ivanov two years ago in a Milan food court."

"She beat me up!"

"But you hit her first" the officer says, raising an eyebrow daring Sienna to argue. 

Wisely, she keeps her mouth shut.

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