25|| Confessions and Cuddles (3)

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It felt good to release all those bottled up emotions and tell Caspian. 

When I had finished my story, he just held me. No words were spoken but that just made it better. My past is very unpleasant and I'm not proud of it so it's hard for me to open up about it.

But I'm glad Caspian knows. It makes me trust him even more than I already do.

He pressed a kiss onto my temple and whispered, "I'm here. I'm right here with you," as he tightened his hold around me. 

"I love you" I mumbled, as I buried my face deeper into his chest.

"I love you too" he mumbled into my hair.

We laid together in silence, just enjoying each other's presence when a sudden thought popped into my mind.


He hummed in response.

"Why are you still in high school if you're about to turn 21?"

"Uh...I..skipped a grade?"

"Is that a question or an answer?"

"An answer?"

"You did it again, just now."

"I skipped a grade."

"Uh huh, now the truth."

"That is the-"


"Fine. My parents didn't let me start school until I was 8."


"They said they couldn't afford it, which was just a load of bullshit. School is free, except for lunch and I could pack lunch from home. They just didn't want me to go to school because they didn't want me to be smart. But Nana homeschooled me, so I was fine. Eventually, CPS came to our house and made them enroll me in school."


"Yeah, I know."

He sighed as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Can I ask why your parents don't like you?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Yeah, I guess so."


Mom didn't always hate me.

She used to treat me like I was her whole world. Back when she was married to Dad, not Devin.

My actual biological father.

Mom said I looked exactly like him except I had her blue eyes. 

Dad and I were very close. We did everything together. When I took my first steps, he was there. When I spoke my first words, he was there. We went to baseball games together and he helped me catch my first ball. He even got my favorite player on the team to sign it. I got my lycan part from my dad.

He used to let me ride on his back and hold onto his fur as he ran through the forests behind our house. Regan is just a regular human but since the lycan part is more dominant, I'm a full-blooded lycan. 

'I had a mom and a dad who loved me very much' 4-year old me thought. Life was awesome.

The following year, I turned 5 and my parents took me to Disney World. 

Everything was perfect..but then, it all changed.

One day, a few months after I had turned 5, Dad and I were in the car, driving home from my first Little League Baseball practice, when an 18-wheeler collided with our car. 

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