⛄|Chapter 23|⛄

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"Jace! get over here!" Jimin demanded in a playful tone as he panted for air. Chasing a two year old was much harder than he imagined. She is not as weak as people think she is.

Jace whipped around to stare at her mama and giggled, "no! mama run!" Jimin rolled his eyes and he bent over, panting for air. Jace watched and Jimin was thankful the little goof ball didn't run again.

"Alright baby-" Jimin heard someone clear their voice and shot up, eyes locking with a mans.

He stared at Jimin and Jimin felt Jace brush in to him as she came back over- "yes? hello?" Jimin's eyes were slightly wider and he stared at the man, too. The man swallowed, "is she yours?"

Jimin felt Jace pull on one of his fingers and grip his hand in her smaller one. Jimin hummed, "yeah. And?"

The man shrugged, "is your wife around?"

Jimin blinked, oh boy. Not again- "nope. I am single," the man quirked up his eyebrow and Jimin cleared his throat, "and dedicating myself to Jace, my baby girl."

Jace began to pull at his index finger and squeeze softly, not that Jimin cared at all. The man nodded, "well... I am Baekhyun,"

Jimin reached out and shook his hand- "Jimin..." He mumbled and watched Baekhyun bend down, going eye-to-eye with Jace. She held her fathers arms between her own and watched.

"I am Baekhyun, who might you be?" Jace's cheeks flared pink in embarrassment from being stared at and shook slightly, "J-Jace..." she stuttered out, her eyes glowing slightly.

The elder smiled, "you are quite the pretty girl, Jace, and I love your name. I always wished when I was younger that I could have a child and name it Jace. No matter what gender," and then the two year olds cheeks flared up again.

Baekhyun smiled and sat up fully, "she is quite beautiful."

Jimin hummed, "I know, thank you."

Baekhyun let off a warm grin and bowed, "well... I must go but may I quickly catch your number just so we could be friends?" Jimin thought for a second. Does this boxy boy really want to be just friends or more? because Jimin won't do that.

Jimin fumbled for his phone, "o-oh sure." The two typed in each others number and waved their good yes and Jimin looked down at Jace, picking her up and making her giggle.

"Alright little angel, let's go get you some ice-cream and me some perfume." The planned to go to the mall next.

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