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The sun was rising on a small cottage by the sea, where a family of three was residing. A family of wizards, and their land, which was inhabited by many magical creatures that Maeve's father had taken in for rehabilitation. Maeve was a happy girl, always full of excitement and wonder.

Never cried as a baby, and when she was welcomed into the world; a smile laid perfectly on her face. Almost, intoxicating. She was a happy girl.

Her smile was where her power resided. A small gap between her front teeth, not a big one, but enough to be prevalent. But it suits her. Her face scattered with freckles, like her own constellation of stars, with her famous uneven curtain bangs; that her mother tries to fix more than often because Maeve has a way with a pair of scissors. She always has a small yellow ribbon in her hair, either holding up a ponytail, or used as a headband when the bangs get too much and she's this close to just cutting them right off.

"Love," her mother laughed, leaning against the doorframe of her room looking at her child sprawled out on her bed, hair all over the place and mouth wide open. Of course with a small pool of drool on her pillow. Her room was small, but Maeve didn't mind. Her mother on the other hand wishes she had chosen the bigger room, because her room was always scattered with muggle novels and random history of magic books she had stolen from her parents study and her broomstick always seemed to be everywhere her mother stepped. "If the sun hasn't woken you up yet, I hope my voice has.."

"Shh." Maeve tried to wave her mother away, shoving her face farther into her pillow, "sleep." she simply said.

"Merlin's beard," her mother shook her head walking back down the hallway, "you are the bossiest eleven year old, I have ever laid eyes on. GET UP!" she laughed

Maeve grumbled as she rolled herself, quite dramatically, off her bed and onto the floor. There she laid, staring up at her ceiling which was covered in those muggle star stickers she found once at a shop in town. At night they glow in the dark and she likes to believe she was able to set it up, so she could try and read the stars. But she can't, even if a centaur sat her down told her how to read them, she wouldn't be able to do it.

Maeve sat up when she heard a knock at the front door. It was a Tuesday, who comes over on a Tuesday morning, she thought. She reluctantly got up from the very comfortable floor, and walked to her door to spy on the new visitor. As she reached the door to her bedroom, she peaked out the frame to see a rather old man at her front door hugging her father. Her eyes wandered all around, noticing his long white beard, crazy looking dress robes, crazier than her fathers. He was usually in black robes, but underneath those, he usually wore weird ties and crazy printed shirts. Her mother on the other hand was always in these beautiful green robes. 

Finally her eyes met his. They seemed sweet and calm, and then his smile was almost recognizable. He winked at her and then went back talking to her father.

"Ah, Gal! You're looking more and more like your father everyday!" The man explained.

"Albus, it's good to see you. I can only guess why you're here, based on today's date." Her father laughed. "Maeve! Would you come downstairs, please!" he yelled up, "Ems, has been trying to wake her up all morning.."

He complained to the old wizard, causing a grand chuckle to erupt from the man.

Maeve stood still for a minute, "Today's date?" she thought out loud, and then it hit her. It was May 2nd. She was eleven today. "It's my birthday.... Oh! My letter!" She whispered loudly to herself, or so she thought.

A soft chuckle brought her attention down the hall where her mother was, standing at the edge of the stairs looking at her, "Come love, we have a guest who wants to meet you."

intoxicating. / / fred weasley / / under revisionWhere stories live. Discover now