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After potions, Maeve rushed to one of the girls restroom to splash water on her face. She looked up at the mirror, "did that just happen." She said to herself, a small smile started to form. Thinking about the moment when she met the Gryffindor team in the infirmary, she thought of when Fred gently caressed her cheek, she slowly traced her hand where he once touched. She just smiled, and shivered at the thought of his gentle, loving touches.

She looked at herself again, that smile she always heard people talk about started to resurface on her face. Was Fred the one to rescue her from her darkness.

She collected herself one last time, looking in the mirror, she giggled and headed out to the hallway.

She had time to spare before dinner, and she didn't have class right now so she was just walking the halls, humming to herself.

"Miss. Scamander, do you have class right now." Filch shot her away, she tries to be nice to everyone, but he grosses her out a lot so she tried to hide the disgust from her face.

"Oh, no sir. Just heading to the library." She smiled.

"Very well, no loitering." He said

Before she could walk away, a cloud of smoke was surrounding the two causing them to cough until the smoke went away. When the smoke subsided, both Filch and Maeve were covered in a pink dust, that seemed to cover their whole bodies.

Filch groaned and ran off looking for the twins. He knew it was them right away.

"SHIT" she heard come from down the hall. She made her way, following where she believed the voice came from, she turned a corner to see two very guilty boys smiling at her.

"Seriously?" She placed a hand on her hip

"Pinks your color, Maeve." Fred tried to hide his laugh.

"In our defense we didn't see you when we threw it at him, we didn't even see you in the hallway." George added.

"yeah I just came out of the bathroom..." she sighed, " will this come out of my hair." She looked up at her bangs.

The twins laughed

"Not sure...." Fred said with a guilty face.

"hmm, awesome..." She leaned against the wall, and when she stood straight again, she noticed a pink hue left on the wall, "interesting," she mumbled to herself,  "comes off when I touch things." She smiled

George took the hint right away and sprinted off. Fred turned to his brother with a confused face but he was gone.

"Say Fred, I really like your hair today," she said as he ran her hands through his hair leaving a trail of pink behind, and then ran her hands ran down to his chest. That's when he saw the pink was coming off her and onto him, "you know I'd love to have a hug." She smirked. He knew what that meant.

"I SAID PINK WAS YOUR COLOR, NOT MINE!" He yelled as he ran off.


George was watching them from a far the whole time, Ginny came up behind him, "You think he loves her." He looked down at his sister, "Ginny, I think the only people who don't know that Fred loves Maeve, is Fred and Maeve." He laughed and they walked back to the common room.

Maeve had taken 2 showers and there was still some pink on her. Places she had no idea how it got there. She walked down to the common room and met with Julia, "Looks like you got most of it off." She wiped a bit of pink of Maeve's ear. "You hungry? I heard some of the house elves talking about that pudding you really like." With that information, Maeve was up and practically sprinting to the Great Hall.

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