Chapter 46

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After the party, the order wanted to have one last meeting before the kids went back to school.

"Maeve?" Moody took Maeve out of her thoughts, for the first time she forgot about the inevitable war, she forgot all about the loss and fear that had been flooding around her. She was finally taking a breath of fresh air, until she was brought back to reality.


"You need to watch Harry, you need to be our ears and eyes. Make sure he doesn't get into the trouble." Moody began,

"Wait! No. I love Harry, but we can't just give all these responsibilities to her." Emmeline spat, "Dumbledore said he will do it."

"Yes, but she is around him more than Albus. She can make sure nothing happens!" Moody yelled back.

"So we're gonna put my daughter in danger because what? The old man is busy?!"

"Guys, let's just calm down." Remus began to pull Emmeline back down to her chair. Maeve was just sitting there, watching the adults she thought had everything under control, lose control. She felt like she was drowning again.

"We are not going to just ignore that Maeve isn't also a target!" Emmeline yelled back, "This isn't fair for her. She's just a child!"

Outside in the hall, the Weasley kids, Harry and Hermione listened,

"She shouldn't be in there." Hermione whispered, Harry was guilty that only person that he could call a sister was being forced to take care of him, even though they all know she can barely take care of herself.

Sirius looked over at Maeve and he saw what he expected, an emotionless girl, barely breathing watching adults fight over her.

"Maybe Maeve doesn't need to hear this." Sirius added, and it was like like a light switch, everyone realized that she was still in the room.

"Oh, baby I'm sorry. Why don't you go hang out with Fred." Emmeline sat down next to Maeve.

"no." she looked up at them all, "i'll watch him. He's family." They all went silent, just looking at her.

"I have been sitting in these meetings for months. But for some reason no one seems to ask me what I think, and if I'm not wrong I'm pretty sure Voldemort was the one who took me. HE WAS THE ONE WHO TORTURED ME!" This was the first time, someone actually said his name, "Yes Voldemort! Stop dancing around his name. He's trying to kill us, so why not say his name. And the ministry might be telling lies and pretending that Dumbledore is senile. but.. he... h.. HE KILLED CEDRIC!" At this point she didn't realize that she had tears falling. "Sometimes you don't even notice me! Im right here! You all are not the only ones who lost someone! And I am sorry, I'm sorry that you lost Lilly mom! And I'm sorry you lost James, guys! But I lost my dad and Cedric and my...." She stopped, "I lost myself. You might all have watched my memory and think you know what I felt and went through. BUT YOU DIDN'T! YOU DIDN'T LAY ON THE FLOOR OF SOME RANDOM HOUSE FOR 2 WEEKS WISHING YOU WERE DEAD!" She slammed her fist on the table, not daring to look up at them all. Molly was silently crying, Arthur was beginning to break apart, Sirius was seeing himself in her, someone who went through something she shouldn't have had to. And Emmeline was finally seeing her daughter. They were all finally seeing a girl who has gone through so much in so little time, yet she was still standing. Still fighting

"You only know about real loss, when it occurs when you've loved something more than you love yourself. And when I lost dad and when I lost Cedric, I didn't see a reason anymore. But Harry is my reason! He is the closest thing I have to a brother! I CAN'T LOSE ANYMORE FAMILY! SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I WANt!" She still was looking at her fist on the table.

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