Chapter 65

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Fred POV

"Fred!" A voice said, shaking me awake, "Freddie, wake up!"

I opened my eyes and was met with darkness of my room. I didn't know what time it was, but it was still dark outside and I can see the moon still so I guess it was the middle of the night. I went to turn over, I honestly thought I was dreaming but a small hand grabbed my arm, not letting me turn. "Freddie, please."

It was Ginny's voice, she sounded afraid. I shot up, "Ginny?" I looked up and saw Ginny standing in front of me and noticed George was beginning to wake up.

"Yeah." She sniffled.

"What's going on? Are you hurt?" I sat up grabbing her, checking her over.

"No, I'm not. Its dad.. we have to go." She dragged me out of bed, I was able to grab my hoodie and a pair of shoes as Ginny dragged me and George down the stairs, where we met McGonagall. "Oh, good I was just about to come wake you. We need to go. Come."

We followed her to Dumbledore's office. "Wait, where's Ron?" George asked, I was so tired I didn't even realize he was missing.

"He's fine, he is upstairs with Dumbledore in his office with Harry. Now let's go, up the stairs."

When we got upstairs, Ron shot up and ran to George hugging him and then me. "What the hell is going on?" I saw Harry, he looked like shit. He was covered in sweat and looked like he was about to yack.

"Something has happened to your father, he has been injured this evening. You all will be leaving with me and staying at Sirius' house." Dumbledore said.

"Whoa what? Where is he? Is he dead?" George asked, just hearing the word 'dead' made me shiver, it also clearly affected Ginny because she began to cry.

"I want Maeve." Ginny cried into the side of George.

"Yeah, can someone please get her?" I asked

"Minerva, go wake Pomona and get Miss. Scamander here. Fast." Dumbledore told McGonagall, and she was already rushing out the room.

"Why don't you guys take a seat, she shouldn't be too long."

We all sat down, I let Ron and Ginny have to main part of the couch and I just sat on the arm part. We waited for a bit, and then Maeve sprinted into the room with professor Sprout and McGonagall, she looked tired and scared. She was wearing my sweater and her quidditch sweatpants and slippers. Her hair was all over the place, it was mostly in a bun but a lot of it fell out and was hanging all over the place.

"What's happening?" She asked, walking towards us, that was until Ginny rushed over to her, and Maeve wiped the tears and hair of Gins face.

"Why am I here?" She asked as she reached us, she looked confused.

"We need you." George said, looking up from his hands at her, she just gave us a gentle smile and said okay, grabbing my hand in hers.

"Headmaster, what is happening?" She didn't sound scared, she actually sounded composed, I know it's all an act to make us feel better. That's when Dumbledore told her that dad was hurt, and he was at the hospital, then he told her she didn't have to come with us. Which kind of scared me, because I thought she was going to say she was going to stay but when she looked at Ron and George and said she was going to come with us. Thank Merlin, I honestly don't know what i'd do without her here tonight.

When we got back to Sirius', it was finally hitting me that it was actually happening. Dad was hurt, or worse dying. Sirius and Mae's mum ran into the kitchen when they heard us arrive. Then that annoying house elf came in too.

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