Chapter 95

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She couldn't hold the heartbreak no longer and she fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as her grief poured out in a flood. A tightening of her throat and a short intake of breath. Tears escaped her eyes followed by her fist meeting the wall. The twins just sat in the kitchen watching her. They had no idea how to deal with it, they had no idea what was going through her head. A great sob escaped her, and she covered her face with shaking hands. Maeve had grieved so many times, you would think it got easier but it never did. It got harder. The grief surged with every expelled breath, always reaching higher peaks, never sufficiently soothed by her long intakes of the damp spring air. Tears began to spill from her helpless eyes onto the floor.

"I never got to tell her I loved her one last time." She sobbed, the twins had no idea how to deal with her. Every time she punched a wall, they just fixed it. Every time she threw something they picked it up. Every time she fell, Fred picked her up.

It was the middle of the night and Fred heard some movement outside in the living room, when he looked over in their bed, Maeve was missing. Not a second later he was sprinting out of his room, wand at the ready. Once he saw who was making the noise, his wand went down.

"What are you doing Maeve?"

"I have to go."

"What do you mean you have to go? Go where?" He asked

"I need to find Harry. I need to leave."

"Well, then I'm glad I packed a bag already."

She paused, looking from her bag up to him.

"What do you mean, you packed a bag?"

"I packed it before the wedding. I knew eventually you'd want to find them."

"You're not coming Fred, it's too dangerous."

"Look who's talking." George chuckled, walking out of his room with a backpack, "You really think we'd let you go alone Maeve?"

"Guys, this is too much. You're not coming!"

"Yes we are." Fred rolled his eyes, "I lost you once, I'm not doing it again. So if you like it or not, we're coming."

"What about the store?"

"Like we've had so many customers lately." George chuckled, "There is a bloody war going on Maeve! No one is really in the market for love potions and dung bombs right now." he told her.

"Fine, put your stuff in my bag." She sighed.

The three of them ventured off, they had zero clue where the trio was. They didn't even have a hint. They were just as lost as how the trio was with their horcruxes. For about a month they hopped from village to village just hoping the would find them. Maeve refused to talk about Julia, and the boys new it was best not to bring it up. They had come in contact, or almost contact with Snatchers, but were able to lie their way out of it or hide.

"Maybe we should head back home." George sighed, they had ended up in this tiny old inn. They were running low on money so they all had to share this tiny room; they were all laying in the bed, just staring off.

"You guys can go, I won't be upset if you left." She turned to them, "honestly it would make me feel better, knowing you guys are safe at home."

"Well the only way we go back is if you come with us." George said

"So I guess, we'll keep going." Fred sighed, grabbing Maeve's hand.

"I'm going to go down to the pub and get us something to eat." She stumbled out of bed, "you guys shower and rest."

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