Chapter 34

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The school couldn't stop talking about Harry. The things that were being said in the barrels, was something else. Maeve wasn't mad at Harry, she was confused on how he did it. She was a little annoyed that Harry was taking Cedrics spotlight away from him. Anyone would be. Fred told her, that Ron was also really pissed at Harry.

"He had to put his name in the Goblet." Julia whispered to Maeve as they watched him walk in for breakfast.

"But how? Dumbledore is like the most powerful wizard, how did a 14 year old possibly beat his charm." The two girls just watched the boy as they ate their breakfast.

"Maybe someone did it for him?" Julia said before taking a drink

"Yeah, but I highly doubt that." The girls were stumped.

"Well, let's go to class." The girls got up and walked to DADA. When they got there they sat at the table behind the twins.

"Good day, class." Professor Moody came through the doors. "When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, who can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?" He turned to face the class.

The atmosphere in the class became uncomfortable. Like she knew the class was about dark magic, but learning about the unforgivable curses seemed a bit much.

"Three, sir." Maeve broke the silence.

"And they are so named?"

"Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them will..." she answered

"Earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban. Correct! The Ministry of Magic says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different. You need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared!" He finished.

"Now, which curse shall we see first? WEASLEY!!!"

"Which one, sir" Fred asked.

"You, stand! Give me a curse."

"Well, my dad did tell me about one. The Imperius Curse."

"Oh, yeah. Your father would know all about that. Gave the Ministry a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why."

Moody took out a spider, enlarging it bit, he started using the Imperius Curse on iy, he sent the spider flying across the room.

"Did he have to choose an animal to do it on." Maeve mumbled. Julia could tell the anger radiating off her friend.

"Another, another. Catterick, is it?" Melvin stood up, "There's the, um, the Cruciatus Curse. Sir."

"Correct! Correct! Come. The Torture Curse."

"He better not." Julia grabbed Maeve's hand, Fred and George turned around at the fuming girl.

He pointed at the spider, " Cruicio!"

The spider started to make a terrifying squealing sound. Maeve was turning red, Julia was squeezing her hand to distract her, "Maeve look at me." A tear began to fall.

"Help me. please, it hurts. Help me." She heard another bodiless voice. The squealing of the animal was too much for Maeve, she ripped her hand out of Julias grasp and stood up, the sound of her chair startled a few students.

"STOP! STOP IT NOW! YOU'RE HURTING HIM!" She yelled at Moody.

Moody seemed to snap back into reality when her heard the girls plea, he began to walk over to her and placed the spider on her desk. "help me. please." She swallowed as she became eye to eye with Moody.

"Perhaps you could give us the last Unforgivable curse, Miss Scamander."

"No. you wont." A tear began to form at the edge of her eye. Fred was fuming, out of all people to do this to.

Moody looked down at the spider, "Avada Kedavra!" The spider fell dead in front of her. She picked up her bag, and kicked the chair over, ran out of class.

She kept running, tears streaming down her face. She ran past the Snape and Mcgonagall.

"Maeve?" Snape asked as she ran by, with a bit of worry in his voice. But she kept running. She needed to talk to Hagrid.. The class was let out, Julia and the Twins walked out of the class paler than the moon. They saw Professor Mcgonagall and Snape walking towards them and then pushing them out of the way. They walked into the class and started to yell at Moody, the door shut and a silence charm clearly went up because they voices became muffled.

"That was disturbing." Julia looked at the twins.

"Like out of all people. A Scamander is who choose to want to do that in front of." George was pissed. "Such a dick." The three went to the courtyard hoping to find Maeve.

Maeve made it down to Hagrid's hut.

"Hagrid! Hagrid!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face.

Hagrid yanked the door open and saw this broken girl in front of him

"Maeve, what's going on" He got down to his knees and looked the girl in the eyes.

"Moody did a lesson today on the 3 unforgivable curse." She sobbed, " and he did all three on a helpless spider" she sobbed more, falling to her knees.

"I heard him Hagrid. The spider. I heard him beg for help." She was uncontrollably crying at this point. He knew it was time to tell her. Her mother wrote to Dumbledore and Hagrid, telling them about her gift, and that she'll need a mentor to help her with it. Someone who understands animals just like her, by her side during the school year.

"I know you did." He said, she looked up at him.

"I'm not crazy? I can actually hear them."

"Yeah you can hear them, here lets get you up," he helped her up and brought her inside, "its a gift, that only a few witches or wizards have"

"Did my grandfather have it." She asked as she sat down next to fang, he put his head on her lap.

"Maybe, or he was just really good with the creatures, has that been the only animal to talk to you?"

"i think the first time I heard an animal was Mrs. Norris." She laughed " and then Gerald."

"Gerald! Oh boy, what does his voice sound like. Do they sound like anything, or do you just think it."

"Uh, no they have their own voices, his was a very posh accent. Spoke deeply and slow."

Hagrid laughed,

"Im sorry you had to hear the spiders cries, I couldn't imagine it." Maeve was starting to cry again.

"At least he isn't suffering anymore." She wiped away her tears. "so I can talk to creatures, they can understand me."

"Yes ma'am, and man am I jealous." Hagrid laughed, soon Dumbledore walked in.

"I figured I'd find you here." Dumbledore said as he sat down at Hagrids table, "I am very sorry about class today, I have set a new rule not to use curses on animals for lessons."

"Thank you."

"I can only assume, that you know what you can do now, Miss Scamander?" Dumbledore asked.


"I must warn you, your power can become very dangerous if put into the wrong hands. People may use you, and I hope that you choose to do the right thing with it. Knowing you, I know that you will always be good." He smiled, "I heard that your favorite pudding is being served at dinner, maybe you should head up. I also saw the twins looked a bit lost with out you, so maybe find them as well."

"Thank you, Headmaster." She grabbed her bag, but before she left she hugged Hagrid. "Thanks for treating me like a normal person and not some strange girl."

"You are not strange, there is only blinkered people." Hagrid hugged her back.

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