Chapter 55

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Mae was sitting in the courtyard just after lunch reading under a tree while she was waiting for the twins to get out of divinations.

Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back, I couldn't leave him, not there!

She was reading her grandfather's book again.

Stop! That's my son!

She couldn't really pay attention to the words that were in front of her, it didn't really matter all that much since she's read it over 100 times.

I'll meet you guys right back here

He was distracting her.

I love you Maeve, you're my best friend.


She blinked and was back to reality.

"Oh, Hi Harry!" She smiled

"Can I sit?"

"Of course." she scooted over, putting away her book.

"Do the twins know? Fred?"

"Do they know what?" She smiled

"It's his birthday, Cedrics?"

She paused.

"Maybe. I don't know. They'll probably overhear one of his friends today, say it."

"Are you okay?"

"To be honest Harry, I really hate that question." She had smiled, "but yeah i'll be okay."

The two sat there for a bit, Harry eventually took out one of his textbooks as she just looked off into the courtyard.


"Yeah, Maeve?"

"Did he suffer? Did he even have a chance..." she was ringing her hands

"No." He grabbed her hand, "it was fast, no pain."

"Oh, good." She choked.

"I spoke to him, after though." He paused, "When he told me to bring his body back..." she looked over at him, tears threatening to fall, "he loved you. He told me to look out for you."

"Sounds like Ced." She chuckled.

"He was a great guy, Mae. You had amazing friend."

"I know." She got up, "Thank you Harry." She walked off to the black lake.

She wouldn't tell Julia this, but one of the reason she really wanted to become Animagus was so she could sneak off and not be bothered. No one would try and talk to an otter. So that's what she did, she sat at the shoreline of the black lake. She realized that she probably missed the boys and she was missing charms, she'll just talk to Flitwick later. She just needed to breathe.

"There you are." Fred said, walking down to the shoreline, she just pretended that she wasn't her, she was just a normal otter. "Babe, I know it's you." She didn't move.

"Im pretty sure the black lake doesn't have otters." He smiled, she sighed and transformed back into herself. Looking up at him.

"How did you know I was down here." She smiled, he sat down behind her, pulling her into his chest.

"Harry told me you walked off this way, I figured you were in the woods, but then i saw this really cute otter sunbathing." He laughed into her hair, leaving small kisses.

"You probably figured out why I missed class today."

"Yeah." He muffled into her hair, pulling her in, "I overheard Preece and Applebee in the bathroom today, said they were worried about you and Jules."

"Oh, i'll talk to them tonight when I get back to the barrels. I think Julia and Fleet are throwing a party for him." She laughed, "he loved parties."

"Yeah well, Hufflepuffs know how to throw a party!" He laughed

"We really do." She smirked

"But seriously, how are you today." He paused, "I know you hate that question, but as your boyfriend, I am legally supposed to ask you that." She giggled.

"I'm okay. Seriously. I feel weird, like usually I would of gone up to his room this morning and sang to him, as much as Fleet hated it." She sighed, "i think that was what put Fleet in a bad mood today, he told me he was so used to me barging in singing." He tightened his grip around her waist, placing his chin on her shoulder. "but I'm okay. Just feel weird."

He looked up, just like he did that one Halloween two years ago, "Happy Birthday Digs." She laughed, "he hated that you guys called him that...." She took a breathe, "But thank you for that."

"Have you said it, yet."

"Not yet."

The two sat there, on the shore line for a bit. They didn't say anything, he just held her between his legs watching the horizon. Then she sniffled.

"I'm captain." she finally spoke.


"I'm quidditch captain."

"That's amazing! Why arent your screaming it at the top of yo..." he paused, "oh, Mae." he kissed her head, "he would be so proud of you." he said into her hair

"I just feel like, every time something changes, or gets replaced. People will forget about him."

"No one will forget about him. And dont think you're replacing him. He would be over the moon knowing your captain. He talked about you all the time and how you were the best player he'd ever seen play. And i agree with him, you're an amazing quidditch player. You deserve this. He is so proud of you."

It was quiet again. 

"Happy Birthday, Ced." Her tears slowly fell, and he held her tighter.

Maeve. I love you very much, you know that right.

                            Of course. I love you too. You're my best friend.

We'll run away!

                               and change our names!


small filler, kind of in a writers block. 

intoxicating. / / fred weasley / / under revisionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu