Chapter 103

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In the forest, Harry stood holding a stone. He closed his eyes and turned the stone over in his hand three times. He knew it had happened, because he heard slight movements around him that suggested frail bodies shifting their footing on the earthy, twig-strewn ground that marked the outer edge of the forest. He opened his eyes and looked around. They were neither ghost nor truly flesh, he could see that.

James was exactly the same height as Harry. He was wearing the clothes in which he had died, and his hair was untidy and ruffled, and his glasses were a little lopsided.

Lupin was younger too, and much less shabby, and his hair was thicker and darker. He looked happy to be back in this familiar place, scene of so many adolescent wanderings.

Lily's smile was widest of all. She pushed her long hair back as she drew closer to him, and her green eyes, so like his, searched his face hungrily, as though she would never be able to look at him enough.

"You've been so brave."

He could not speak. His eyes feasted on her, and he thought that he would like to stand and look at her forever, and that would be enough.

"You are nearly there," said James. "Very close. We are... so proud of you."

"Why are you here?" He ask, "all of you?"

"We never left." A comforting smile lays on Lily's face.

He looks at his father and ask, "Does it hurt, dying?"

"Quicker than falling asleep." A new voice said, Harry turns around and finally noticed her.

Maeve, was a bit younger than she was earlier tonight. She had on a sweater with an 'F' on it. Her hair was long and curly and she had no scars and her ear was normal again. She looked happier than he had seen her in years. She had her smile back.

"Maeve." He breathed out, "I didn't see you at the castle." His lip began to quiver

"I was in the forest, it called for me one last time."

"You shouldn't be here, you and Fred..." he cried, tears falling. His best friend, his sister was gone.

"It's okay, Harry. We have eternity together. Prongs and Moony are already recruiting him." She smiled, James and Remus chuckled.

"If I survive, i'll find your body."

"When you survive, you will wait at the castle. The centaurs will bring me back home."

"You're nearly there son." James spoke.

"Im sorry, I never wanted any of you to die for me, and Remus your son." Harry turned to Remus.

"I am sorry too," said Remus. "Sorry I will never know him... but he will know why I died and I hope he will understand. I was trying to make a world in which he could live a happier life."

"You'll stay with me."

"Until the end." Maeve smiled

"He won't be able to see you?"

"We are part of you," said James. "Invisible to anyone else."

"Stay close to me."


"Little one."


"Tell them all I'm sorry. Tell them I love them. Tell George..." she sighed, "Tell George we are okay."

"I will." He choked.

And then he stood alone once more.

Maeve closed her eyes and welcome death. She welcomed him like a long lost friend, he had surrounded her and welcomed her home. When she awoke, she was greeted with warmth, she was at the cottage by the sea. She woke up in her childhood room, the wall of pictures of her, Cedric and Julia still stuck, her quidditch equipment laid in the corner of her room, near a chest of drawers that were filled with old books. Her desk was filled with notebooks and quills. A photo of her and Fred sat on a pile of muggle love stories. She could smell the ocean and lavender. She was smelling home. She walked out of her room, and looked down the stairs and was welcomed with the memory of Dumbledore shaking her father's hand with her acceptance letter in his.

"Hello, my love." A voice welcomed her, at the bottom of the stairs.

"Fred?" She gasped, "You shouldn't be here."

"Neither should you." He smiled.

"Are we dead?" A tear fell

"I'm so sorry, my love."

"I should be sorry, I wasn't with you." She ran down the stairs to him, "We weren't together."

"We are now." He kissed her, "You were amazing."

She looked around her old home, taking his hand in hers they walked around. They ended up in front of a closed door.

"I am so proud of you, Mae." He smiled, "There are some people who have been waiting for you." He slowly opened the door, sunshine welcomed her into her kitchen.

"Is he here?" She laughed, looking from the kitchen to Fred

"Right here." He laughed, her head snapped in the direction of the voice. A smile, that no one had seen in years laid on her face. "Hey Mae Bear." Cedric smiled

"You haven't called me that since we were 12." She ran up to him, "I missed you so much, Ced."

"Well, I'm right here." he held her, "I am so proud of you."

"Thanks Ceddy Bear." She laughed, "I did it for you and.."

"Me?" A girl laughed, Maeve was relieved to hear her voice.

"Jules!" She cried in her best friends arms, "i missed you. I am so sorry I wasn't there."

"Well, you're here now. We are all here now." She smiled.

"My sweet girl." She heard a voice, a voice she hadn't heard in years, turning around there he was.

"DAD!?" She ran to him, practically tackling him. "is he here? Gramps?"

"Right here little one." He smiled, Billy and Pax sitting on both his shoulders. She looked around her at all the people she loved, she was never going to be alone. She was home.

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