Chapter 74

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"Do you have to go?" Fred said, his face was pressed against her neck. The two stood at Kings Cross waiting for the next train to Hogsmead. 

"It's only a week, I have one more N.E.W.T to take, and I'm lucky that Snape is even letting me make it up." She gave him a comforting smile, rubbing his arm. "and then i'll be back home."

"Only for a month." He rolled his eyes.

"I don't have to go to Romania." She placed her hand on his cheek

"No, you have to go." He smiled. The two just stared into each others eyes, as the rest of the group said goodbye to the Trio and Ginny. Molly watching the two teenagers say goodbye. "I'll see you in a week."

"7 days." She smiled. Then the sound of the train, broke their stare. "Okay, I got to go."


She walked away, still holding hands until they separated. She stood at the door, watching Fred become smaller and smaller as the train went on. As she walked down the corridor, she felt a bit light headed, and leaned against a door.

"You okay, Maeve?" Ron asked, walking up to her. Holding her up.

"Oh, yeah. Didn't eat breakfast, that's all." She smiled, swatting his hands away. The trio had noticed that the last 2 days, after the attack, she's been a bit off. When she thinks she's alone, she leans against walls and furniture to catch her breath. But once Ron noticed her, when he was walking out of the bathroom, he saw her in the hall using the wall to stay up. Then Hermione noticed her lightheaded spells once when she was in the kitchen, but she just told everyone she tripped. And then Harry noticed in the middle of the night, when he heard someone trip on the stairs, she had got up to get water and got winded walking up the stairs.

"Want to come sit with us?" Hermione asked

"Um, I was actually gonna go take a nap. But, I'll grab a carriage with you guys up to the castle." She smiled as she walked off.

"Has she been acting weird to you guys lately? Or is it just me?" Ron asked, as he watched her.

"I don't know why she refused to go to St. Mungos." Hermione rolled her eyes, "I mean she was hit with the killing curse and she survived."

"Technically that puff thing took it." Harry corrected her.

"Yeah, but the thing is like the size of a loofah, I don't think the curse only hit it." Hermione looked at the two, with worry.

"I'll write to Sirius and Ems." Harry sighed, walking into a compartment.

Dumbledore was back at school, and it was finally normal. The week went by fast, she took her last N.E.W.T, that she had missed because of the attack, but Snape let her take it later. She was getting up from the test, going to hand it back to Snape when she lost her footing and fell.

"Miss. Scamander, are you okay?" Snape got up from his desk, swiftly making his way to her. She got up fast before he got to her, and laughed it off.

"Just clumsy. Sorry Professor." She smiled, and then diverted her eyes. "Here. All done." She said as she handed him her booklet. "Thank you for letting me make up for it. I really appreciate it."

"That is not a problem." He said, he looked down at her as she rubbed her knee. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah, never better." She smiled, "I really enjoyed you as my Professor. I hope this isn't the end of our relationship."

"If you ever have questions about potions, you are more than welcome to write to me, Maeve." He kind of had a smile.

"Thank you. Well, I should go. Gotta pack." She smiled, and headed off. He watched her walk down the hall, and then noticed she used the wall a bit for balance.

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