Chapter 44

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The day after the last meeting, where Arthur witnessed Maeve's memory he sat his family and Hermione down to tell them what is happening. Molly really didn't want to tell the kids the whole story but both her and Arthur knew that the kids would pick up on new aspects of Maeve, why she was always jumpy or that Remus and Sirius hover more than normal, and how some nights wouldn't be peaceful.

"What's going on dad." Ron asked, Molly stood behind Arthur as he sat in a chair in front of all his kids and Hermione. The two had worried looks.

"I know we have told you all about Harry and why you can't talk to him, but something else happened. Not to Harry though." He looked up, trying to not look at Fred.

"What happened?" Ginny asked.

"About a month and half ago, Maeve was kidnapped." Before he could tell them she was fine, they kids jumped up. Ginny began to cry and the twins were asking where she was and why they weren't doing anything.

"She is at headquarters. The night she came to see Fred, when she got back home death eaters were waiting for her. She was kept and...." he was hesitant until Molly put her hand on his shoulder, "..tortured for two weeks. I know this is hard to take in but she is home, and she is safe. The only thing that looks different about her is her ear. She had an accident when she apparated." He looked up at Fred, "she is fine. She has a bit of PTSD. The last thing I wanted to tell you guys, we will be spending the rest of the summer at headquarters. She will be there, but I need you guys to be careful around her. You don't want to know what she went through. I've seen it and lets just say I don't wish it on my worst enemy. She might seem different but she's still Maeve, she's actually been smiling a lot more these days." He reassured them, Fred had gone white.

"She also keeps asking about you, Fred." Molly added, bring color back to Fred's face.

There was a meeting going on, and all the kids, plus Harry were at the house. The order was fighting about whether or not to tell Harry and blah blah blah. Maeve was starting to get bored at these meetings. She thought they would be more exciting but most of the time they weren't. Molly must of caught on with Maeve's zoning off because she interrupted the meeting,

"Maeve we are almost done here. Why don't you go get the kids for dinner." She smiled

"Yes, Ma'am." She got up and got to the door, when she opened she saw Hermione's cat swatting at a floating ear. She could also hear the whispering pleas coming from everyone upstairs. Then the cat got a hold of it but before he could run away with it Maeve picked him up, "What you got there, Crookshanks?" She laughed pulling the ear out of his mouth and letting the cat go. She also heard the pleas had gone silent and she looked up to see the red and guilty faces staring down at her.

"Come ear often?" she laughed waving the ear at the bunch.

"MAEVE!" They all screamed, a few began to run down the stairs to see her.

"Dinner is almost ready." she yelled after them, her and Fred were still looking at each other, she just smiled and nodded her head to the side a bit to tell him to come along.

"Maeve did you tell them?" Molly was coming out of the kitchen.

"Yeah they're coming." She laughed, hiding the ear behind her back. Suddenly a crack, and the twins ended up behind Molly.

"OH! Just because you're allowed to use magic now does NOT mean you have to whip your wands out for EVERYTHING!!!!!" She yelled at the two laughing boys.

"Hey Maeve" George pushed passed his mom's shoulder to engulf Maeve in a bone crushing hug, "You're not the only one who knows how to do this."

"Thats dangerous" she laughed, handing him the ear and then she made eye contact with Fred, "Hey Fred."

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