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It was Halloween, and the castle was covered in pumpkins and the ghost were parading around lot more today. Usually Maeve loved Halloween, but this year it was a bit hard to process. It was her dads birthday. Dumbledore excused her from all her classes that day, and Julia knew best not to force her out of bed right away.

Julia kneeled down by the side of Maeve's bed. She rolled over and was now eye height with Jules. "Want me to grab our breakfast and bring it back?"

"Please", she rolled over on her back. Billy and Bata were nestled in her neck. A single tear fell from her eye, but before it could melt into her hair, like Bata, Julia wiped it away. "I'll be right back" and then Jules was off.

When Julia made it to breakfast, she saw the Twins and Lee already sitting with Cedric. When Cedric saw Julia he waved her over, Fred turned his head with excitement expecting to see Maeve, but it was just Julia.

"Don't get too excited Fred, Maeve's still in bed." That's when it hit Cedric. "Just here to grab a to-go breakfast. Don't have class this morning so I thought I hang out with Maeve before my afternoon class." She grabbed a few muffins and plate of eggs and bacon and headed back to the dorms. "I'll see you guys in class."

"Will Maeve be in class?" Fred called out.

"Not today. Not feeling well." She answered. He clearly didn't know what today was, so she didn't think it was right for her to tell them. She gave a sad smiled to Cedric and headed back to Maeve.

"Is Maeve okay?" Lee asked Cedric.

"Todays Halloween..." he said looking up at the three, "Its her dads birthday today."

Behind them Dumbledore walked by, "Give her time." Said without stopping.

Fred felt helpless.

Julia made it back to the dorm, "Good Morning, Mel!"

"How is she today?" Melvin asked, like alway sat in front of the fireplace doing last minute homework.

"She'll be okay, just gotta get through all her first without him." She smiled and headed up the stairs to the girls dorms.

"I brought muffins, fruit and potatoes." She set a plate down on Maeve's bed. She sat up and started to eat, "You have class?"

"Not till the afternoon, thought I'd hang out with you this morning." She smiled as she took a bite out of her muffin. Maeve smiled and nod. The two girls just laid in Maeve's bed all morning till Jules had to leave for class. Even though Maeve was missing class, she didn't want to miss practice. She spent most of the day in the barrels, Cedric or Julia bringing her meals or snack when they didn't have class. Cedric was given a bunch of letters and candies from the Twins to give her.

They felt like it would make things worse if they said anything about her dad, so George wrote her notes with jokes or lame drawings on it and Fred wrote a play by play of his day, down to the T to when he went to the bathroom. She enjoyed it, she felt bad that she didn't see them today, but she knew it was best for her to mourn on her own. She knew that's exactly what she needed. Around 4 o'clock she made her way down to the pitch. She was just walking aimlessly before practice walking up and down the halls.

Fred and George watched her from afar, they didn't want to annoy her with questions so they let her be. But Fred kept an eye on her.

"She looks okay." George mentioned.

"Yeah she does." Fred smiled.

The team was surprised when she made it to practice, they weren't expecting her.

"Didn't think you'd want to come." Cedric hugged her.

"No it's okay, I didn't think I was too, but I got bored." She laughed

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