Chapter 71

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A innocent man will die tonight, by the hands of his own blood.

Maeve looked up at the group of centaurs in front of her.

"What do you mean someone will die?"

"Miss. Scamander, you shouldn't be reading our minds." The centaur said

"I didn't, I mean I didn't mean to."

"You need to be careful when it comes to visions."

"How do know? That someone is going to die tonight."

"We can read the..."

"Stars, right. Centaurs can read the stars." She finished his thoughts, "But who is going to die?"

"By how the stars are changing as we speak, I believe you will have that figured out before the time comes." He looked down at her, "I think you better go now, but remember Maeve, be careful when changing someone's destiny, it could mean swapping a life for another."

Maeve raced through the forest when she finally reached the group outside Hagrid's hut.

"Maeve, you shouldn't be here. I told you to stay." Harry said, "None of you should be. I need to do this on my own."

"Too late." She said smiling, "also I have to be there tonight, someone is meant to die, but I can save them."

"Is it Sirius?" Harry asked

"I don't know, the stars don't give you names."

"Stars?" Ron asked

"I accidentally read a Centaurs mind..." she cringed, "they didn't like that, but when I was talking to them, they said the stars changed. So I'm coming, if you like it or not Harry. And also you're not alone in this.."

"She's right Harry, we're not leaving you." Hermione said.

"So how do we get there?" Ron put his arm around Maeve, with a smirk. She just shook her head.

"Flying?" Hermione suggested.

"No brooms." Harry shrugged

"There are other ways to fly." Luna said with a dreamy voice. Maeve was thinking and then it hit her. She ran to Luna and placed a sloppy kiss on her head.


"Alright, it's clear that you and Luna are on different wave lengths than all of us. What are you two on about?" Ron rolled his eyes.

"Be nice, Ronald." Hermione nudged his side.

"They can fly." Maeve said to Luna

"and they're very good at going places you need to go." Luna said to Maeve

"What are you two on about!?" Ron asked again

"Those." Maeve and Luna pointed

"What are those?" Harry asked

"What are what?" Ron asked

"There is nothing there guys." Hermione said.

"Yes there is. They're thestrals. You cant see them unless you've seen someone die."

Ron, Hermione and Ginny stood there in horror.

"Wait, Mae you've seen someone die?" Harry asked

"Gramps." She nodded.

"I can see them too." Neville admitted.

Harry clapped, "Well, let's go then."

"What about those who can't see them." Ron asked

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