Chapter 70

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Maeve was walking down the hall, when she saw the Twins and Harry looking at the entrance of the Great Hall, her excitement to see them changed when she saw their faces.

"What's going on?" She asked

"It has something to do with Umbitch." George answered

The students watched Umbridge take center, holding up a parchment. She cleared her throat and looked out at the crowd of students with her evil smile.

"By Order of the Ministry of Magic: Dolores Jane Umbridge will replace Albus Dumbledore as Hard Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Maeve stuck her hand out, and grabbed the closes hand to hers which happened to be Fred's. He gave it a squeeze and pulled her into his side.

"No.. This can't be happening." Maeve whispered, in horror. Maeve looked up at Fred and George, and their faces were pale. Most of the students around them, had lost all color in their faces. This was not how she was suppose to finish her final year.

"5th year, you guys wouldn't let me drag Malfoy to bottom of the lake, can I at least drag the troll to the bottom of the lake?" Julia said, as she caught up with the Twins and Maeve. Maeve chuckled, "I'll help."

"You two girls don't need to worry about a thing. We have it handled." George said

"Whatever you say. If your plan doesn't work, I hope she can swim." Julia laughed as she ran to catch up with Melvin and Fleet.

"Are you talking about your grand exit?" Maeve asked, as she walked next to the boys. Till they froze.

'What?" Fred asked

"The big guns, the show down? Your final act?" She turned to face them with a smile.

"How did you know?" George asked

"I know everything about you two." She laughed, "You guys also talk in your sleep."

"You're not mad?"

"After the Slytherin match, I figure you two weren't going to be sticking around that much longer." She shrugged, "As much as I want you to stay, you guys already got your plan figured out. You don't need the a test or this school to tell you what you should do with your life." She smiled, taking both of their hands in hers. "I'm not mad. I am so, so proud of you both." George ran up to her, pulling her into a tight a hug.

"Thank you, for being my best friend" he whispered into her ear, "And being Freds girl" he backed away, leaving her with a smile.

"When are you leaving?" She tried to hide her sadness.


"Okay. Well, let's get you two ready. Is there anything I can do?" The boys turned to each other, with a smile.

"Well, there isn't anything you could do... But Whiskers can help a grand bit." Fred smiled, thats when she looked down the hall and transformed looking up at them

"Okay, we need to go to the Umbridge's office and get our brooms." George said, she nodded her little head and the three ran off.

Exams were stressful. The twins respected her time in the library, and they used that time finalize their final prank. The N.E.W.T exams levied up their name, "Nastily exhausting." As the exams were half way through, she knew that meant the boys were leaving.

Maeve spent her night with the Twins and Lee in the Gryffindor tower, for their last night together. Maeve and Fred spent the night curled up with each other, both trying to stay up as long as possible to take in every second together, until sleep took over. The next morning, Maeve was trying to hide that she was sad they were leaving. After breakfast, after the twins told her and Lee where to meet, they had to split up. She looked up at the twins, tears puddling her eyes.

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