Chapter 102

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May 2nd, 1998

"Happy birthday my love."

"Oh, it is my birthday, isn't it."

"I still hope after this, you'll still want to marry me. In a day or a year."

"How about in a day?"


"After we get out of this shit storm, let's get married tomorrow. First thing."

"That is all I want Mrs. Weasley."

"You okay Freddie?"

"Yeah. You okay Maeve?"

"Yeah. What about you, Georgie?"

"Me too."

Maeve had never felt so scared before, even when she was captured she wasn't as scared. Because now she was scared for everyone she ever loved. She was scared for Fred. She stood on a small balcony, right between Fred and George. Like always, it had seemed to become their famous formation. Once you saw the twins, you would most definitely see Maeve right between them holding Freds hand. Their eyes were glued to the large protective orb around the school, bright lights hitting it. It was midnight, it was her 20th birthday. With tears in her eyes, and her heart beating fast, she let go of the twins hands and faced them.

"I have to go now." She looked at the two. Freds lip quivered, as much as he want to grab a hold of her and leave, he knew he couldn't stop her. "I will be right back." She smiled at the twins, with her foot she drew an 'X' in the dust. "I will meet you guys right back here."

"I love you." He pulled her in, "More than anything in this world." He kissed her. George watched the two, hoping this wasn't the last time he would see his brother and best friend together. She turned to George and pulled him into a hug. Placing a kiss on her head, "you be safe, Whiskers."

"Always." She smiled, as she ran off to the forest.

"Charlie, are you ready for our last battle?" She smiled up at the man she trusted her life with. The two of them shared a bond stronger than anyone she knew, those two fought death together on multiple occasions and never once did the two give up on each other.

"I will fight with you to the end, Maeve." He smiled at the girl, he truly saw as his family. "like old times?" He chuckled, the two walked up to Norberta and Rosie, the Antipodean Opaleye, the first dragon she rescued.

"Be careful, Maeve." He told her, "I am so excited to have you as a Weasley."

"Charlie.." She looked at him, "I need to be real with you, and I need you to be real with me."

Charlie took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"If something happens to me, you keep fighting. Do you hear me?" She held in her tears, "and you make sure Freddie, smiles and laughs. You make sure he is okay." Her lip quivered, "No one will talk about this, but we don't know what will happen tonight and I need to know that my Freddie will be okay. Please."

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