Chapter 67

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It was Christmas morning, and Maeve felt movement in her bed. When her eyes fluttered open, she saw her mom slipping under the covers. She turned and faced her mom, the two just facing one another.

"Merry Christmas." Maeve smiled at her mom

"Merry Christmas, my sweet girl."

"This is the first Christmas we'll celebrate together, since dad." She sighed, "since last year was the ball and i stayed at school."

"You okay? Molly told me we can stay up here as long as we need." Her mom said, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"I'm okay, visiting dad's grave this past week really helped. It's nice to vent."

"You can vent to me." Her mom really wanted her to talk to her.

"I don't want to bother you."

"I'm your mother, I'm suppose to be the one who bothers you." She laughed

"Or me. I am known to bother everyone." A voice was added, the two turned to see Sirius at the door with a tray of tea. He went and sat at the end of the bed, leaning against the post as the Maeve and her mum sat up against headboard. Eventually Emmeline sent her patronus to Harry's room. He woke up to a bunny running around his room.

Come to Maeve's room for tea.

That's where the four sat most of the early morning, sitting in her bed drinking tea and talking. Harry was finally able to talk about all his adventures with his family, and laugh at the craziness of Hogwarts. He was finally able to tell someone about school.

"Maeve told me about quidditch Harry. I'm so sorry." Emmeline said, putting her cup down

"Its okay, Malfoy said some nasty things to Maeve and the Twins. I'd get banned a hundred more times, to do the same thing." He smiled at Maeve.

"Too bad, I don't get to play you one last time." She laughed, "I bet Ginny will do great, though."

"Have you ever thought about going professional?" Sirius asked Maeve.

"No, it's just a hobby. I actually got a job offer, though." She said which caused Emmeline to smile.

"No way?! Really? At the ministry?" Harry asked, everyone laughed, "What? Did I say something?"

"Harry, do you really believe Maeve would fit in at the Ministry? A desk job?" Sirius laughed

"No, Charlie, Charlie Weasley offered me a spot to work with his Dragons."

"That's in Romania though, right?" Harry furrowed his brow, "That's far."

"I haven't decided yet, but if I did decide to go, of course i'll visit. But..." she paused, "based on everything going on, I might have to postpone and maybe pick up a job at the ministry." Emmeline looked up at Sirius, where they shared a look. Emmeline was so upset that her daughters dream could be interrupted because of a possible war.

After a bit of chatting and joking about, the four went down to the kitchen to have a late breakfast with the Weasleys and Hermione.

"Good Morning!" Molly sang, as they all walked in. Maeve rushed to Fred's side, stealing a quick kiss.

"Merry Christmas, my love." Fred smiled in the kiss.

"Merry Christmas." She smiled, their little moment was interrupted by Molly.

"Alright, I'm making a list of what we are having for Christmas dinner." She took out a notepad, "Does anyone have requests." She looked up. "Maeve, do you have a dish you'd like me to make?"

"Oh, um. Mashed pota..."

"Mashed potatoes." Everyone said at once, some looking at Molly and others who were just looking at their breakfast. They all knew what she wanted.

"Should of guessed that one." Molly laughed, writing down everyone's request.

All the kids were talking at the end of the table eating breakfast together.

"You know when I smelled the amortentia potion, 5th year, I smelled mashed potatoes." Fred snorted, as he told everyone.

"I just love potatoes, okay." She laughed into her tea.

The day went on and it was full of love and festivities. Maeve and Arthur were sitting at the table as Molly cooked dinner, and all the kids were playing more games in the living room.

"So this is a walkman." She pulled a portable CD player out of her bag

"No that's a Bagelman," Arthur corrected her, "Invented for busy businessmen and women in corporate America, it holds and warms bagels." He pointed at the buttons, "Buttons on the top control temperature, speed of rotation, and even check the progress of the heating bagel during a busy commute." that's when she lost it, she was laughing so hard. The twins heard her, and decided to check it out.

"No, it plays music. Here let me show you." She laughed, placing a cd in it by the muggle band Nirvana. She went to place the headphones on him, but he flinched.

"What are these? Are they going to hurt me?" He said.

"No, these are for your ears, so you can hear the music." She laughed, placing them on him.

The twins were watching the whole interaction between the two, her laughing at their dads reaction to the music playing.

"there is music only in my ears!" He yelled, pointing at his ears, she covered her ears laughing.

"You know she writes to him." George told Fred.

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, when I went to find her to tell her about he DA meetup, while you were in detention. She was writing a letter to him about all these muggle things she found out about." Fred smiled at this information, "and mum writes to her. I guess she's been sending knitting tips." Fred turned to George with a huge smile,

"She knitted mum a sweater. With a big 'M' on it." Fred told George

"Did she really?" He laughed, Fred nodded.

"Boys! Come here! Maeve just showed me this amazing music thing. It's called running man."

"Walkman." she corrected him, hiding her laugh. The twins went over to them and checked it out. Fred sat next to Maeve, pulling her closer to him.

"I love you." He whispered into her ear.

"I love you more." She smiled.

"You have anything else, Maeve?" Arthur asked, "Do you know what a rubber duck is?"

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