Chapter 84

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"I'm going to kill her." Ginny groaned, slumping in a chair next to Maeve at the table.

"She's not that bad, Gin." Maeve laughed into her cup, leaning back in her chair she saw the boys chuckling across from them.

"She is driving me mad." She groaned, rubbing her face.

"What has she done now?" Fred asked, one brow up. Maeve was just giggling.

"It's the way she talks to me. You'd think I'm three years old!" Ginny exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air with frustration, "Maeve has known me before I even hit puberty and she doesn't treat me like a child."

"Well, Maeve isn't stuck up." George added.

"We shouldn't be mean, guys." Maeve rolled her eyes.

"Point made." Fred laughed.

"I still think it's funny that Ron asked her to the ball." Maeve laughed.

"You mean yell at her?" Ginny lost it. The four of them turned and saw Ron walking in the kitchen causing them all the laugh harder.

"Oh, yeah HA HA." Ron groaned, rolling his eyes

Before they could pester the boy any more, the door from outside suddenly flung open. A young blonde woman stood in the threshold. She was tall with long blonde hair that was flowing gently down her shoulders. She had elegant robes on, even though most of the people in the house were in their lounge wear. Maeve was wearing a pair of jeans she found at muggle store last week and Freds jumper, she felt pathetic next to the woman.

"Moove!?" She said in her think French accent, "Eet 'as been too long."

The twins were laughing at how she pronounced Maeve's name, ignoring the glares she was sending them.

"Hi, Fleur." She smiled, the French woman looked around and saw everyone laughing but Maeve.

"V'hat izee so funny?"

"Its Maeve." Ginny snapped.

"It's seriously okay." Maeve shot a look at Ginny, "Not a problem."

"Oh." Maeve could sense the girls uneasiness so she changed the subject fast.

"You're getting married next week!" She smiled, "How exciting!"

"Vould you like to zee my dress!?" She asked, pulling Maeve to the bedroom her and Bill were sharing at the Burrow. The twins, Ginny and Ron lost it, because everyone knows Maeve hates wedding stuff, even her own wedding stuff. Which her and Fred really didn't care about at the moment, he was just glad she was home. Molly came in the kitchen and noticed a missing face.

"Where is Maeve?" She asked

"You mean Moove?" Ginny laughed, "Fleur kidnapped her to look at her wedding dress."

"Where's Fluer?" Bill asked, walking in the kitchen.

"Your fiancée is going to kill my fiancée." Fred chuckled

"Is she bothering her with the wedding stuff now?" He asked, they all nodded. "I told her she was the one person not to do that with. I'll go save her."

"Bill!" They all heard from across the room, and then a series of small patters on the floor board. That's when Maeve came running back into the kitchen.

"It's white." She shrugged, "that was too much," she sighed, "anyone up for a game of quidditch?" She smiled

"That's my girl" Fred laughed, grabbing her hand all the kids ran out yard.

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