Chapter 77

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"Do you have everything? How are you feeling? Any dizziness?"

"Fred, I'm fine." She giggled.

"Do you have enough sweaters? Does it even get cold in Romania? I'll have mum send you more sweaters. Do you have all your medicine? Do you have a first aid kit? You will definitely need one of those, with those dragons."

"FRED!" She laughed, "I have everything."

"I know. I know. I just wanted to make sure." He sighed, "This is it?"

"Yeah." She furrowed her brows, "I don't have to go. We've talked about this."

"No, you go. You live your dream, i'll be here when you get back." He smiled

"Okay." She smiled, then she was pulled away.

"Oh, Maeve come here!" Molly engulfed Maeve in a hug, "You be safe okay? Also make sure Charlie is eating and sleeping. He cares too much about those dragons of his, he forgets to take care of himself." Maeve laughed, "Of course, Molly."

"Oh, I'm gonna miss you." She kissed her cheeks

"Mum, chill out. Let her breathe." George laughed, pulling Maeve into a hug, "You have fun, okay. I'll make sure Fred doesn't mope around all day." He winked, "Go be a badass and take care of some dragons." He laughed, she looked up at him with a smile and then engulfing him in a hug

"Love you Georgie." Then she turned to her mom and Sirius. Sirius pulled her into a hug. He was disguised as Remus.

"Im proud of you, Whiskers."

"Thanks, Pad." He pulled away from, and looked in her eyes

"You come home whenever you want, okay? Don't even second guess it."

"I know." She smiled, then she turned to her mom, as Sirius walked back to the group.

"You okay, Mum?"

"You've grown up so fast." She began to cry, "I am so proud of you."

"I love you mum."

"And I love you." She smiled cupping her face, "what we talked about, you remember right?" Maeve nodded, "If it gets bad here I will write to you. I don't know who will be watching or trying to read letters, but when the time comes you know our code word."


"Correct, Hippogriff." Emmeline swallowed, "Be safe, please."

"I promise mum, I will be fine." Then her mom pulled her into a hug.

"I just worry about you, and you're going to be so far. I love you Maeve more than anything in this world."

"I love you too."

"Okay, your train is leaving soon. I don't know why you want to do it the muggle way, but each their own." She laughed

"It gives me time to do some research and read up on gramps writings." She took a deep breath, "Okay I'm ready."

"You be safe, Harry." She looked at him, "Write to me whenever, okay?"

"I know. Have fun." The two hugged.

"Babe, you gotta go." Fred called to her, she took a deep breath and look at her family one last time and grabbed Fred's hand.

"Bye everyone." She waved as her and Fred walked to her platform. The two got to the train, she looked from the train and back to Fred.

"Maybe I should stay, I don't have to go." She was starting to freak out, "I could get hurt. And I wont get to see you for a while."

"Maeve. Maeve look at me." He grabbed her face in his hands, "Go. Have fun. This is your dream."

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