Chapter 104

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The Weasley family was sat around Fred's body, Voldemort was finally defeated. The trio had finally entered the Great Hall once more, Ron ran to his family and Sirius ran to Harry.

"My boy! I am so proud of you!" He engulfed Harry into a hug, slinging one arm over him as they walked over to the family of redheads. He then watched Sirius join Emmeline as she went and lifted all the white cloths around the great hall, hoping she wouldn't find Maeve underneath one.

"Something else happened." He started to shake, once he made it to the family they looked up, "Oh Harry!" Molly pulled him into a hug.

"Harry you haven't seen Maeve yet, have you" George looked up to Harry as he sat next to Fred's body. His face was covered in dirt but there was defining lines that fell down his cheeks that were carved by tears.

"Her and Rosie flew off, but she never came back." Charlie told them, tears falling. "I have looked all over the place."

"About that..." he began but Neville ran into the Great Hall.

"Guys! You need to see this!" He yelled from the entrance, everyone seemed to be interested. Soon the Great Hall littered the courtyard once again, they were not welcomed by a herd of Death Eaters but instead a pack of centaurs and other creatures from the forest. The centaurs that she promised Harry.

"Who does he have in his arms, Mum?" George was walking towards the pack, Arthur, Ginny and Molly followed.

"She fought to the very end." The centaur said as he lowered Maeve into Georges arms.

"No, no, no, no" George began to whisper, "you can't leave me too. I can't lose you too." He shook her in his arms, "i can't lose my best friend."

He turned around with the lifeless body of the Hufflepuff, to face his family. Then there were screams and Norbert and Rosie let out what seemed like wails that shook the air, Molly ran to George, "She's okay right? She's going to wake up right!? We can fix her!" She began to sob. Arthur turned to Charlie and Bill, "Go get Emmeline and Sirius!"

"Mum, she's gone." George sobbed, "she's with him again. They're together." He sobbed as he began to walk to the Great Hall, as he laid her down next to Fred, Sirius and Emmeline ran to her side. Emmeline began to shake Maeve.

"Baby wake up! Wake up now!" She sobbed, "you can't leave yet! please baby, not yet."

Harry was watching as Sirius and Emmeline broke more and more, watching them lose another loved one because of him. He watched everyone break all over gain, everyone lost Maeve. The whole Great Hall seemed to come to a pause, all eyes were on Emmeline shaking Maeve's lifeless body, screaming. The girl who made everyone feel at home, was gone. He blamed himself for the whole thing, even though he knew if she was there, Maeve would hit him on the backside of the head and tell him to 'buck up'.

He still had the stone in his pocket, he thought of breaking it when he last used it but he had other plans. He wanted her to say her last goodbye to them, not to him in the middle of a forest. There he stood in front of two broken families, two families that looked over their son and daughter. The girl and boy that were engaged and planned on getting married tomorrow. He stood up straight, placed the stone in his hand one last time and waited for them to show up.

"Would you stop crying if you knew we were okay." Her sweet voice startled the crowd.

"Right?! Georgie not a good look." He winked at his twin, there the two lovers stood over their lifeless bodies. Holding hands and smiling, her smile was back and he had his girl by his side.

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