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The weekend came and went and classes were back in session. Maeve woke up sore from the weekend, and slowly got out of bed. Her cheek was starting to heal, it was just a tad black and blue but mostly the fading yellow color.

She tried to cover it with makeup but it was sore to touch, "Dammit George" she laughed as she looked in the mirror.

After getting dressed she headed to the Great Hall to grab a bite to eat before she head to Hagrid's class. Draco had been trying to hid from her since the incident, but she wasn't really bothered in caring about him anymore. She was just trying to comfort Hagrid during this time. Today was just a lesson on the history of some extinct beast and note taking so she just sat in the back of the class catching up on some potions homework.

After class she went to meet up with Cedric and Julia for lunch, where Cedric and Maeve complained about the essay they had to write for their muggle studies class.

"Why are you even taking it?" Cedric asked Julia. "You're Muggle-born! Your mum and dad are Muggles! You already know all about Muggles!"

"I think it's interesting to be taught from a wizarding point of view." she shrugged, "Also I love seeing Maeve's reaction to the internet.."

"It's crazy!" Maeve exclaimed, "You can asked 'Archie' anything!"

"Do you remember her notebook of questions!" Julia teased causing Cedric to laugh, Maeve put her head in her hands.

"I remember when I was the first one to go up and type something into the search engine.." Maeve cringed

"'show cow'" Cedric said through his laughter

"'show cow'" Julia repeated, almost falling over but Fred was able to catch her as he walked by.

"What's so funny?"

"We were just remembering Maeve's first time using the internet."

"You mean when she typed, 'show cow' into the search engine?" Fred smiled.

Maeve and Julia eventually got up and decided to walk to potions early, but as they walked in to the class Maeve smelled the air.

"It smells like gunpowder in here." She said with a sniff.

"What, I don't smell anything like that." Julia confessed.

They were all sitting and talking waiting for class to start, Maeve keep stealing looks from Fred as he sat across the classroom.

Snape entered and began the lesson with Amortentia.

"If I could have your attention." Snape began, " Today we will be brewing Amortentia, the strongest known love potion in the world. You and your partner have until the end of class to finish your potion."

Julia and Maeve partnered up, and began to read the directions.

"I wonder what I'll smell." Julia questioned.

"What?" A confused Maeve said.

"The potion, if we make it correctly, it'll give off the smell of your true soulmate." She informed the confused girl.

As she said that, Snape overheard the two, "You're correct Miss. Bates," Snape startled Julia, "If your potion were to be successful, the scent of the potion will smell like the person you find the most appealing. Some say soulmates." He informed the class.

"I'm surprised no one smelt anything when they walked into class today, I had made a small batch earlier today." He said as he walked past Maeve, looking at her with a subtle smirk.

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