Chapter 62

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Maeve woke up, having a feeling today was going to be a good day. The grounds were covered with snow and she was actually well-rested, even though her and Julia stayed up the night before gossiping and eating snacks, she actually had her first full night sleep in her dorm. When she woke up this morning though, there was a letter on her bedside table.


Hagrid has arrived on campus, if you were interested in knowing.



With that information, Maeve sprung out of bed and rushed downstairs. Running past Melvin.

"Hey Mae!" He watched her sprint by, "Bye Mae?"

Maeve was sprinting down the hall, not even noticing who she was passing. She eventually passed the twins who were playing with snowballs, by throwing them up the side of the Gryffindor tower, hitting Ron who was sat inside. That's when they saw her running by, confused at why she was running so fast in the first place. She had the biggest smile on her face, though.

"Maeve!" Fred yelled after her, as she sprinted by. She slowed down a bit looking back at them.

"Hagrid's back!!" She laughed, jumping a bit in her step and then sprinting down to his hut. The twins shared a look and chased after the girl.

"HAGRID!!" She ran down the hill

"LIL ME!" He laughed, as she embraced the big man. "Oh, how I missed you, Maeve!"

"Oh, Hagrid! I have so much to tell you!" She beamed, the twins caught up and watch the interaction. "THEY HATCHED!" She laughed

"You mean?"


"Oh Maeve!" He laughed, picking the small girl up and hugging her

George looked over at his brother, "What the hell are they talking about?"

"I have no idea." Fred laughed, the two noticed that the twins were confused.

"Occamy Hatchlings." Maeve smiled at the twins.

"Those snake things... With the wings?" Fred asked and she nodded and then going back to talking to Hagrid, George looked at Fred, "How did you know that?"

"What, she's my girlfriend, of course I know these creatures now." The twins just watched Maeve and Hagrid laugh and talk about the creatures. It was quite funny to watch the two, because they would finish each other's sentences or just know what the other were thinking. The twins were really enjoying the show in front of them, as they drank tea and ate cookies.

"I don't think they have even taken a breath." George whispered to Fred, "Is this how people see us?"

"Well, thank you for stopping by you guys." Hagrid walked the three students out, "I will see you lot at dinner."

"Bye Hagrid!" She waved at him as she caught up to the twins, "Oh! I'm so excited he's back!" She giggled. Fred wrapped his arm around her, feeling all warm and happy at seeing his girl so happy. It wasn't just Fred who felt this; even though she was Fred's girl, she was also George's best friend. It was hard on George too, to watch Maeve struggle so hard these past few months, and on top of watching his brother hurt for her. George was happy his best friend was happy again, because it also meant his brother was happy. As they made it to the courtyard, Maeve's face was suddenly covered in snow, and then the twins were hit with a few snow balls. When the three looked up after wiping the snow off them, they saw the trio hiding behind a wall laughing.

"Oh it's on." Maeve laughed, picking up a few snowballs and bewitching them.

"Not fair Mae!" Hermione laughed, sending a few snowballs back at her. Maeve eventually made it on the side of the trio, and sent a snowball, that 'accidentally' hit Fred in the back of the head. She froze, as he slowly turned around to only see a very guilty smile on Maeve's face.

"Oi!" He ran after her, her running away giggling. He finally caught up to her, grabbing her waist and pulling her off the ground as she kicked the air.

"Fred!" She laughed, he held on tight as George threw more snowballs at her, "Okay! Okay! I surrender!" She laughed, he put her down. She turned around with another guilty smile, to only shove snow in his face, but before she could run away he grabbed her hand pulling her into a hug and digging his snow covered face in her neck. "Fred!" She groaned, which was covered with a giggle. He pulled away and the two looked into each others eyes.

"I love you," He laughed, pulling her into a kiss. "even when you cover me in snow."

"Oi! Love birds! This snowball fight isn't over yet!" George yelled at the two, the two looked at each other with huge smiles and ran over to their friends.

Maeve was sitting with Julia at the Hufflepuff table for dinner, when Julia noticed Mae's mood.

"You look happy." Julia smiled at her friend, who, no surprise, had a mouth full of mashed potatoes.

"I am!" She said, muffled with food.

"Maeve!" Julia laughed, "Food, is suppose to stay in the mouth." She laughed more, wiping Maeve's face with a napkin. Maeve laughed as she swallowed her food, "I am! Hagrid's back. And today was just really good! It finally feels normal again. And we're so close to Christmas and break. Life is good." She smiled, a real smile. Her intoxicating smile. Julia felt like she could breathe again, her best friend was back. Julia was looking at the girl she met on the train all those years ago, smiling and giggling. She was watching Mae mess with Melvin and Fleet; the three flicking food at each other, and then, there it was, like a sound barrier breaking, her laugh. Her laugh seemed to fill the Great Hall, a few eyes landed on Maeve as she just looked carefree and happy. Her and her puffs all fooling off together and laughing. Even Dumbledore, who had made an appearance at dinner tonight, heard her laugh. He hadn't heard it in awhile; McGonagall who sat next to him leaned over and whispered, "Gotta say, Albus. I missed that sound." She smiled at him

"Me too, Minerva. Me too."

The Gryffindors were in a conversation about potential beaters when they were interrupted by the laugh. They all turned to see a certain badger leaning against her friend holding her stomach laughing, her face covered in a blush and her eyes closed. She had the biggest smile on her face.

"Now, that's a sight to see." Ron said

"It sure is." Fred smiled, staring at his girl. She was a breath of fresh air, her laugh filled his whole body, forming mountains on his skin and causing his heart to flutter. She was intoxicating. She finally noticed Fred watching, she sent him a smile and mouthed 'I love you'. He blew her a kiss, that she caught and pretended to put in in her front pocket, laughing a bit at this silly interaction from across the hall.

Ginny leaned over to George as the two watched Fred, "Remember when they used to do this, but tell everyone they were just friends." She laughed. 

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