Chapter 27

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Cedric grabbed Maeve's hand and dragged her to the port key. She could feel all the Weasley children eyes on her, and Hermione and Harry's.

"Alright everyone grab hold." that's when the boot took off, "Let go!" Cedric and Maeve still were holding hands as they glided down from the sky to a soft landing next to Amos and Arthur. When they landed, she couldn't help but laugh at the rest of the group laying on the grass. Cedric let go of her hand to help up Harry and this was the moment. She walked up to Fred, "Rough landing." She stuck out her hand for him to grab. He looked up at her with a smirk, "More like artistic liberty." He grabbed her hand, and grunted as he got up.

"Yeah, right." She rolled her eyes. Waiting for the lot to get up and for Amos and Arthur to figure out their compass, Fred and Maeve got caught in each others eyes.

"Its happening again." George whispered to Cedric, "we're doing it Digs!" He laughed.

"Hi, Fred." She smiled up at him, he got taller.

"Hi Maeve." He smiled down at her, "I missed you so much." There was small crack in his voice. She just grabbed his hand and walked over to the rest.

"How was your summer Maeve?" Harry asked, if only she could tell him his godfather has been staying with her at her house all summer. The group of kids started following the men, "Oh it was good, I went to America for a few weeks to help my grandfather, mums dad, around the farm and then went to see some thunderbirds in Arizona. Oh! then met with their ministry over there. It was cool, um but then I just hung out at home, my mom had some old friends over this summer too so I got to hang out with them."

The group of teens were really excited to hear all about Maeve's summer, but Fred was more excited that she hadn't let go of his hand yet.

The camp for the Quidditch Cup Final was packed with people, from all over. When they reached the campgrounds, Ginny asked Maeve's if she would stay with her and Hermione because they were getting annoyed with all the testosterone in the air. "Um.." Before she could finish her comment, Cedric chimed it,

"I think that'd be a great idea, Dad and I will just meet you at their tent and we'll watch the game." He smiled at the clearly uncomfortable Maeve,"trust me, you don't want to share a tent with dad, his snores." He shuttered.

She turned to the girls, "sure." With a smile, as the Weasley gang parted from the Diggorys, Maeve stayed back for a minute. The twins walked a bit, but slow enough to wait for her.

"Promise me we'll watch the game, I actually want to watch it. I don't want to have to stand next to Fred the entire game scared i'll shit myself." Cedric just laughed,

"Im not that evil. We'll meet you before the game and after it you'll go back to their tent." He looked down at at, "Sounds good?... It's going to be okay Maeve." She smiled and turned to see the boys waiting for her. George had a huge smile on his face, where as Fred was awkwardly staring at his feet kicking the dirt.

"Miss me Mae?" George beamed putting an arm around Maeve as they walked to their tent.

"We wrote all summer!" She laughed, but with a bit of cringe. She felt a bit bad for saying that in front of Fred.

"Yes, but my letters don't even come close to my beauty." He ran his hands through his hair.

As they reached the tent she she patted George on the back, "Keep telling yourself that Georgie, you're the only one who calls yourself the hot twin." She winked and walked in to find the girls.

The twins took a minute before walking it laughing at what she just said, "She seems alright to you right?" Fred looked at his twin. "She doesn't seem that different right?" He'd hope George would lie to him.

"Ill be honest, she's still our Maeve," he smiled at Fred, "she just had a rough summer."

George didn't share all the letters the Maeve sent him with Fred, there were some nights that she would write to him, and he could see the tear marks on the parchment. She also didn't enjoy America as much as she made it out. He knew that Maeve wanted Fred back as much as Fred wanted Maeve, but he didn't want to say anything. He wanted the two, to work things out on their own.

Maeve sat down on one of the beds in the back with the girls, "I missed you Maeve." Hermione began, with a small chuckle, "Its hard being the only smart one around." Maeve couldn't help but laugh, Ginny rolled her eyes.

"I heard, Ginny and George went over your house this summer?"

"Oh yeah," Maeve looked at Ginny and hid a laugh, "poor George..." Ginny and Maeve looked over at Fred and laughed.


"They don't even bite," Maeve laughed to the girls, "he was just afraid of the thing."

"It was so ugly, Hermione!" Ginny cringed.

"No its not! They are beautiful!" Maeve looked over and saw the confusion in Hermione's face, "A Murtlap, they're sweat creatures, he ran up to George to be held," and then in a bit louder voice, "George is just a scaredy cat." She looked over, she caught eyes with Fred who was laughing. She winked at him.

Both Hermione and Ginny saw the wink, and just smiled at each other. They two, wanted Fred and Maeve back together.

George came over and grabbed Maeve, "You're coming with us." He looked down at her with a smirk.

"What are you two up to?" She followed the twins out the tent.

She then watched the boys strike up a bet with Ludo Bagman. They bet their life savings that the Irish would win, which she already believed that they would. But then they added that Victor Krum would catch the snitch at the end. She shook her head at the boys, at how far fetch that outcome was.

'We'll bet thirty-seven Galleons, fifteen Sickles, three Knuts,' said Fred, as he and George quickly pooled all their money, 'that Ireland win – but Viktor Krum gets the Snitch. Oh, and we'll throw in a fake wand.'

"I don't think that's a good idea," she looked at Fred, "You guys have saved up that money for your store."

"Don't worry Mae," Fred put her arm around her shoulder, "We know what we're doing." He winked at his brother.

"I doubt it." She muttered, "It's your future."

"That's right, love."

"Love" she blushed.

Before the game was starting, she decided to paint the twins faces.

She had each twin sit on a stool and she stood between their legs and painted their face. George was being a git, as always, and complaining.

"Its cold, Maeve." He shivered. "And you're tickling my face."

"You're being a baby again, George." She smiled, "I think I saw a Murtlap running around outside." She giggled. George went white, Fred lost it.

After what seemed to be hours of bickering between Mae and George, Fred took his place.

He sat down and she stood between his open legs, it reminded her of the times they would hang out in the courtyard with George and Lee. Fred would paint circles with his thumb on the back of her thigh.

She looked up from her paint pallet into his eyes. "Hi Fred," she smiled, "you better not give me a hard time." She winked.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He smiled. He had his girl back in his sight.

She began painting his face, every so often they'd locked eyes. Maeve tried hard to hide her excitement. As the painting went on, Fred didn't realize that his hand was on the back of her thigh as she stood in front of him. It had became such a habit. He took his hand away fast, hoping she didn't notice. But she was finishing up she looked back in his eyes,

"I didn't mind." A small smile creeped on her focused face.

"You're done!" She clapped.

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