Chapter 92

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Everything seemed to be going in slow motion and then fast motion all at once. The twins and Maeve pulled out their wands and pushed Ginny behind them. Many people were only just realizing that something strange had happened; heads were still turning toward the silver cat as it vanished. Silence spread outward in cold ripples from the place where the Patronus had landed. Then somebody screamed. They tried to push themselves through the panic crowd and try to get to the house or somewhere safe to disapparate. Maeve felt her hand be tugged and when she turned to see who it was, she saw Ginny. But Ginny wasn't looking at her, so she followed her gaze and saw masked figures appearing in the crowd; then she saw Lupin and Tonks, their wands raised, and heard both of them shout, "Protego!".

Masked people started shooting spells at everything and everyone. Maeve didn't notice the space that got between her and the twins and Ginny, until she heard Ginny shouting spells at a man. She went go help when she noticed Harry sprinting towards her. Remus and Maeve stopped Harry before he could get to her.

"HARRY GO!" The two of them shouted at him, "GO!" Maeve turned her head as she and Remus held Harry back and saw the twins were helping Ginny.

"Maeve, come with me!" Harry begged. She shook her head, no.

"If it gets bad, I will find you." She pushed him. "I will find you I promise, little one! NOW GO!" She looked over at Hermione and Ron and nodded. Hermione ran up to Harry and grabbed his hand and the three disapparted in front of her, leaving her.

"Maeve get out of here." Remus shouted at the girl, before he ran off.

Before she could collect herself, she felt herself being pushed violently to the ground and a sharp pain through her arm. She crawled away from the attacker as fast as she could and stumbled up, sending stunning spells to anyone in a black cloak or mask. She looked around and saw Fred fighting with Death Eaters, not wasting any time she sprinted to his side and blasted the attacker.

"Thanks love." He laughed, grabbing her and ran. As the two ran through the burning tent to find George and Ginny, they collided with them, the four put their wands up at each other before they realized who they were, then putting their wands down and running towards the house.

"Maeve, please go!" Fred begged, "Go home! We will meet you there."

"I'm not going!" She fought back, "I'm not leaving you!"

"Take Ginny!" George pushed Ginny to her side, "please, Maeve go!"

"I already lost you once, just please! I can't lose you again" Fred begged, he had so much fear in his eyes, "FOR THE LOVE OF MERLIN, LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE AND STOP BEING STUBBORN!"

"No one can get to the flat or in the store, there is a protection spell. Only we can get in," George told her.

"Baby, please get out of here" Maeve wanted to fight, she wanted to stay. But she knew it would be safer for her if she left, since Harry wasn't there. She also understood that Ginny needed protection too.

"Fine." She grabbed Ginny's hand and they apparated into the living room at the flat. Right away Maeve turned to Ginny, grabbing her face and checking her over.

"Are you okay?!" She asked, "are you hurt? Did you get hit." Maeve was checking every part of Ginny's body, picking her hair off her neck to see if she was bleeding, running her hands up her arms to make sure nothing happened.

"Maeve!" She shouted, "Maeve, I'm okay!" She grabbed Maeve's hands in hers. "I promise, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She sighed, "I'll make some tea." When she turned to the kitchen, that's when Ginny saw Maeve's arm and gasped.

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