Chapter 26

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"Hey Rems," Maeve walked down the stairs, "Pad" she nodded, he winked at her. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black had spent a lot of the summer coming over to talk to her mom about her dads death. It's quite ironic that Sirius was in her house now, since she spent the last year thinking he killed her dad.

Beginning of the summer

"Maeve, can you come downstairs." Her mom yelled from her study.

She walked down the stairs to meet eyes with her Professor, "Um, hello Professor."

"Oh no need to call me Professor anymore, you can call me Remus."

"Weird." She just stared at the two waiting for an answer, she knew that he knew her parents but how did he know where she lived.

"Emmeline , I used up all your milk.." She froze, Sirius Black was in front of her, "You're Maeve!" He stuck his hand out. She just starred.

"I hope you don't take this to heart, but I've spent the last year thinking you killed my father, so I'm trying to control my emotions right now. I have no need to hate you, but I spent the year doing it, so..." She blinked and began again, " but like Harry told me about the misunderstanding with your friend, the rat." That comment made the three adults laugh.

"The rat" Remus laughed, "She has your wits Vance."

"So like, are we like ex boyfriends, or are we related in some weird family floop?" She was so confused with the energy going on in her moms study.

"You know how me and dad, have mentioned "the order"?" Maeve nodded at her mom, "Well these are some of my gal pals from my time then. We all went to Hogwarts together."

"Gal Pal?" Sirius scoffed.

"Shut it, Padfoot." Her mom sent back

"So I'm losing it, thats whats happening right. The breakup is messing with me." Maeve had no idea what was happening.

"You and the Weasley boy broke up?" Remus looked sad at the thought.

"The rat owner?" Sirius asked

"No his older brother." She laughed.

"So this is happening, you two are gonna end up being like my weird uncles." She laughed.

"Probably, anyways Emmeline you're out of milk." Sirius turned to her mom.

Sirius has been staying between his house and the Scamanders. No one would assume he'd stay there since he was the accused killer of the man who lived there.

"Have you talked to Fred?" Remus asked as she sat down next to him.

"Um , a few letters back and fourth, haven't really decided anything yet. Not sure when I'll see him next. Maybe the train?" She confessed, "I'm just gonna go to the quidditch game and not think about boys, besides the ones playing." She laughed.

Sirius sat down on the couch across from the two, "You know I used your map most of my 3rd year." She told the two men. Sirius looked up with a smirked. "The twins let me use it to sneak of to the forbidden forest." She laughed, "Filch was starting to catch on, so that little bugger came in handy." The men laughed

She grew to have a really odd, but nice relationship with the two. They really did become her weird uncles. She didn't tell any her friends, she didn't know how they'd feel about an alleged murderer sometimes sleeping in the spare bedroom. It's weird.

"What do you think my animagus would be?" She looked up from the news paper. The men starred at her, thinking.

"NOPE! We are not talking about that, Maeve go get your bags, the Diggorys are expecting you soon."

Maeve winked at the two, and mouthed "Another time."

"NO" she pointed at the two. "She's a good girl do not corrupt my daughter! Moony! You were her professor, for the love of Merlin." She watched her mom fall back on the couch laughing. It felt nice to see her mom relaxed, being around friends. After her dad died, her mom would hide in her study all the time. Maeve ran up to her room, grabbed her bag, pulled on her Puff quidditch jumper and headed back down.

"You play?" Sirius looked up.

"Oh yeah, she's one of the best chasers at Hogwarts." Remus answered for her, she blushed. She didn't think she was that good. Not since her last game.

"I really am not enjoying her playing, especially after that last game." Her mom looked at her forehead.

"I like to tease the team, that if I didn't get hurt we'd probably beat those birds and make it to the final." Maeve laughed, "Alright Mom, I'm ready." She stood up, grabbed her hand.

"Padfoot, don't burn my house down. I'll be back soon." She heard the men laugh and then a crack, she was in front of the Diggory's cottage. They went up to the door and knocked, Mrs, Diggory opened the door, and pulling her into a bone crushing hug. "Alright Mum, don't kill Maeve." Cedric stood behind her.

"CED!" Maeve practically dove at her best friend, "Oh, Mae, I've missed you." The two friends left the moms to talk, "Are you excited for tomorrow? My dad said we're meeting up with his buddy and his kids. Take the port key together."

"Im so excited! Do you know the kids? Are they our age?" Cedric knew all these answers but he shrugged, "Not sure, some guy who works at the Ministry with him." That night, Maeve told Cedric about her whole summer, her letters to George and then her recent letters to Fred.

"Do you want to see him before school starts back up? If we have time?" He was curious.

"Not sure, my moms old Hogwarts friends have been around this summer and I've talked to them a lot about it." She was trying to hid the fact that it was in fact their old professor and the Sirius, "They told me to follow my gut."

"Whats your gut say?" Cedric said as he laid down on his back, Maeve followed by placing her head on his stomach. In the most platonic way, he played with her hair. He knew that it relaxed her. "It says I still love him." She looked over at him. He smirked.

"As much as I hated him, for doing what he did to you," he looked down at her, "He is exactly who I thought you'd end up with." looking back up at his ceiling.

"I know he's an Irish fan, maybe I'll get him something at the match." She was starting to drift to sleep.

"I don't think you have to worry about that." He chuckled, following her into sleep.

The next morning, or night really. Amos woke them up at like 2 in the morning for the hike to the portkey and to meet the family.

"We're just about there!" Amos looked back at the two.

"He said that like an hour ago." Maeve complained under her breath. Cedric couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh! I see them coming up the hill!" Amos pointing at a family walking towards them.

"Don't hate me." Cedric pleaded with Maeve, she shot him a confused look.

"Why would I hate y.." She looked up to be caught in a certain somebody's eyes.

"I HATE YOU CEDRIC DIGGORY." She muttered very aggressively but also low enough he could only hear her, then elbowed him. Cedric let out a combination of a laugh and groan. 

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