Chapter 66

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Maeve said goodbye to the Weasley family and Harry as they left to the hospital to visit Arthur. She decided to stay back for the day. She knew that all of them as whole was already a lot for one hospital room, she also had other plans for the day. When she heard the taxi drive off she wrote a note, and left in on the counter.

Be back soon. Went to see dad.

x Maeve

She apparated in the cemetery and found herself sat next to two headstones.

Newt Scamander

Husband, Father, Grandfather and carer of creatures.

Galton Scamander

Husband, Father, Son and carer of creatures

"Hi guys." She smiled as she sat down, leaning against her father's stone. "I have so much to tell you."

She spent a good portion of her day just talking to them, a few people walked by watching her just talk and pull grass up with her hands, she made a few flower crowns out of the dandelions that surrounded her. She thought it was fitting when she saw that the tree above their graves, was infested with bowtruckles.

"I met a boy." She smiled, "I know, I'm too young for love, but I think you guys would like him. I really love him, he's done so much for me and he helps me alot. He's funny, he's one of those prankster type of guys, but he's sweet. He also has a twin. You know the family dad, it's the Weasleys, you were friends with Arthur." She sighed, "He actually had an accident, but he's fine. Everyone is with him now at the hospital now." She looked down at the grass, pulling more up, "I'm not sure if this makes me a bad person, but I felt jealous of them when we found out Arthur was alive. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy he is okay, like so happy. But like I wish we were able to save you, you know... or at least know what was happening so I could of had a chance to say goodbye." She wiped away a tear, "I miss you a lot dad, there has been a lot of things I needed you for this year. Actually, for these past few years, I really needed your advice." She leaned against the headstone, closing her eyes. "It's been really hard not having a dad. But you probably know about Sirius, he makes mum really happy. He's been helping me alot. It's nice to see mum smile again, it took awhile for it to come back after you left. But you probably know that too. I should actually probably get back home soon, Mum is probably freaking out, you know how she is." She laughed, getting up and brushing her pants off, "We'll talk soon, I love you dad. Cya gramps!"

Then she apparated back in the kitchen, where Emmeline and Molly were cooking dinner.

"Oh good your home! Go wash up, dinner should be ready soon." Her mom said, smiling.

"You're not mad? That I'm home late."

"I knew where you were. You left a note." She smiled, Maeve left the kitchen and Molly looked over at Emmeline.

"You're never going to tell her you also went to the cemetery today, too?"

"No, I don't want her to feel embarrassed. She just needed to talk to him, and I needed to make sure she was safe."

"How she doing?" Molly asked, as she went back to making dinner

"I don't know why she always hides her feelings from everyone. She won't tell me anything really... Like after Cedric, they were best friends, like inseparable. But she won't really talk to anyone about him." She pauses, "Julia writes to me sometimes, tells me she still has nightmares..." Emmeline sighed, "Am I bad mother?"

Molly just laughed, "If you were a bad mother, Maeve wouldn't of stayed up all night making sure my children were okay and then cooking my family breakfast. You did that, you made that girl. You should be proud, Ems." She patted her on the back, "Maeve has gone through things a 17 year old should never have gone through, and she is still standing. You should be so proud of her."

"Thank you, Molly. I will say, that boy of yours, he really is good for her. Even though she hides most of the time, I have noticed she's opened up a bit more with him in her life." She smiled

Maeve was looking for everyone, when she heard laughter upstairs, and small explosions, which either meant the twins were terrorizing everyone or there was an intense game of exploding snaps going on. She apparated into the twins room where everyone was.

"MAEVE!" They all shouted

"Hello! Who's winning?" She laughed as she sat in Freds lap, watching Ron and Ginny play.

"Hey love." Fred whispered into her neck, placing his chin on her shoulder, she turned her head a bit.

"Hi there." She giggled

"Where were you today? You were gone all day."

"Went to see dad." She smiled, turning her head back to watching the game, "talked to him and gramps for a bit."

"Was it nice?"

"Very." She smiled, "How is your dad? Doing okay?"

"Oh yeah much better, he asked about you. We told him you were doing well, and told him that you make a mean breakfast." He chuckled

"Can't argue with that." She laughed.

"Maeve, play a game with me!" Ron asked, pulling her off of Fred's lap and on the floor to play the card game, George scooted over to Fred.

"Where'd she go today?" He whispered

"The cemetery... She visited her dad." He turned to look at George.

"She seems okay." The two watched as she was cracking up with Ron, Harry and Ginny on the floor.

"I think a talk with her dad, was exactly what she needed." He smiled, "She doesn't talk about him all that much, but when she does, it's usually before bed when she's really tired and talks about how she misses him or that she needs his advise on something." He looked down at her, "But yeah, she does seem okay."

After a few games, the kids headed down to dinner.

"Maeve I think we found something you're not good at."

"Oh zip it, I destroyed you in wizards chess last week, Mr 'the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years'" he nudge her

"Oh piss off." He smirked

"Oh is that right." She mocked him, then pushing him, which prompted him to push her back. All of this was happening while they were walking down the stairs. The twins and Harry were just laughing at the two bicker.

"Oi! You two! Cut it out, before one of you gets hurt!" Molly yelled at them from the bottom of the stairs.

"She started it."

"I'll put spiders in your socks, Ronald." He turned red, and bug eyed

"You wouldn't!" He protested

"If she doesn't." Fred said

"We will." George finished, leaving the three laughing at Ron.

"Im glad your graduating this year." He pouted, she put her arm around him as they walked into the kitchen

"Oh but, you would miss me too much Ronnie." She smiled, kissing his cheek and leaving him all red and frozen at the door as the rest of the kids went to sit down. Fred sat next to Maeve, pulling her chair closer to him, he leaned in whispering into her ear, "It's so hot when you terrorize my brother." He chuckled, kissing her cheek.

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