Chapter 81

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January 1st, 1997


I haven't heard from you since you left. Please let me know you're okay. Mum has been writing to Charlie, but we haven't heard from him either. This is so hard Mae, I need you back. I need to know you're okay.



January 13th 1997


Please tell me you aren't dead. Please write me back, Moody said you two have been spotted in America, but he wont tell me who spotted you. Are you being followed? Are you safe? Just send me a message that you're okay.

I miss you so much my love.



January 15th 1997


No one knows where you are, please come home. I need you. I'm starting my apparition lessons soon, and once I'm certified I'm coming to find you, Harry and Fred are doing really badly. Please come home. I've tried writing to Charlie but he hasn't written back either.

x ron

January 27th 1997


It's been a month since you left, where are you? Why are you not writing any of us back, please don't be dead. I need you, Fred needs you. Come home already, fuck the 6 months. Just come home.


February 14th 1997


Happy Valentines day my love. If you were here, I would bring you to like a muggle zoo and let you talk to all the animals there. That would be fun and then maybe we could have a picnic at a park and eat a bunch of mashed potatoes. I know how much you love my mums recipe so i would of made her cook it, because I can't cook for my life. You know that. Remember that time the elves let us make cookies that one night, but I burnt them all and then when we made another batch I put salt in it instead of sugar. You ate them anyways, your face was so funny and so cute. Please come home, I miss you. I haven't heard from you in months. This isn't right.

Come home.



March 2 1997


Ron was poisoned, the family visited him last night at Hogwarts. He's going to be fine, Harry was able to save him. But oh merlin you should of been there, you would of died. That Lavender girl he was dating tried to fight Hermione, but then Ron called for Hermione in his sleep. It was so funny. So I think you were right about Ron and Hermione being in love, even Dumbledore laughed a bit at it.

George and I tried to go to Romania but you weren't there. We talked to that guy who works there, I think is name was Rodger. He said he hasn't seen you two since December. What happened? Where are you? Please come home.

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