Authors Note

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Hi Everyone,

I just went through my story and republished everything again and added the copyright on all my chapters.

I had just received a private message from someone who isn't writing on Wattpad, doesn't have a reading list or a followers list etc "inviting" me to join Webnovel.

After reading their proposal and researching online about their history and how they interact with readers and writers, I decided to turn them down.

The reason that I put copyright after every chapter now is that I read that they take people's stories and use it as "inspiration" and creating their own spinoff of what is created. I didn't want that to happen to me and so I added the copyright.

I think we all have to be wary of receiving any offers from websites or apps and that we really need to do our due diligence and do our own research and start warning people of what's happening.

I live in Australia where everything you write and create is immediately covered by copyright but this doesn't mean that every other country has those same laws. However, there are the laws of the universe and the law of if people want to steal ideas then what they do to other will come back around on them...maybe even ten fold.

WE do not need to plagiarise or copy other people's work in any way, shape or form, as I am now worried this is going to happen to me. Please don't do that. Writing is a muscle and if you can exercise it every single day you will get better and better at it.

IF anyone reads on Webnovel and they see a similar story to mine on there platform, report it immediately and know this...I am posting my story on my blog so that there is another avenue where my writing is being published and shown on the internet.

There is creativity in abundance for everyone. Start practicing and you will be able to tap into that as well.

Thanks for reading, Christine (NeoNixButterfly21)

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