The Blind Banker- One

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Chapter One

Third POV

Midday - Local Supermarket

John was shopping in Tesco Extra buying needed groceries. Getting to the checkout, he runs his shopping through the self-service scanner. The electronic voice takes him step-by-step through the process.

"Please place your items in the bag provided..."

Midday - 221B Baker Street

Sherlock and Michelle were locked in hand to hand combat with a six-foot SIKH WARRIOR in a turban and full traditional battle dress. The Sikh Warrior lunges at Michelle with a lethal-looking blade, Michelle jumps back to avoid the blow...

Local Supermarket

"Item not scanned. Please try again... Item not scanned."

"You think maybe you could keep your voice down?" John asked the self-service check-out machine, feeling suddenly self-conscious...

221B Baker Street

The Sikh Warrior kicks out and knocks Sherlock back on to a table. However, Sherlock rolls away just in time before the knife lands gashing Mrs Hudson's finest teak...

Local Supermarket

John plugs his card in and types the PIN number. "Card not authorised. Please seek alternative methods of payments." Everyone in the queue behind him start to sigh...

221B Baker Street

Sherlock and the Sikh Warrior start to roll around the carpet aiming bitter blows, whilst Michelle confiscates the knife...

Local Supermarket

"Card not authorised."

"Yeah. I've got it. Alright!" John was losing his temper with the damned machine...

221B Baker Street

Michelle dodges another thrust from the Sikh Warrior, she then tries a variation of the old 'Watch Out!' routines. She points to the corner of the room, pulling a face.

"Hey." The Sikh Warrior falls for it; Turning around to look. Sherlock then brings his fist up and lands a punch that knocks their assailant out. Collapsing in his armchair, Michelle gets to work on moving him near the bins in the alley...

I was sat in Johns acquired chair. Sherlock in his armchair, turning the pages of his book timely. The place was looking back to normal. No evidence that any fight ever occurred.

"You took your time."

"Err... I didn't get the shopping."

"What? Why not?"

"I had a row in the shop... With the chip and pin machine." John stated, rubbing the back of his neck. "You had a row with a machine?" Sherlock exclaimed. "Well, sort of. It sat there and I shouted abuse. Have you got any cash?"

"Take Sherlock's card, Its on the table in the kitchen." Sherlock looked at me puzzled, but I just winked. "You know, you could always go yourself. You've both been sitting there all morning, you haven't moved since I went out."

"Well I haven't really sat here all morning, as a matter of fact, I had a job interview... With Lestrade."

"You had a job interview with the police?" John asked, bedazzled. "Yes I did, Greg stated I was overqualified so he's going to pay me for coming to crime scenes with Sherlock. I'm basically being paid just to hang around him." Sherlock was going to say something, but I had a playful glint in my eye. He knows I'm joking. "What happened about that case you were offered? The Jaria diamond."

I looked at him knowingly, He kicked the blade under the sofa. "Not interested. I sent them a message."

Fifteen minutes later, John returns with groceries. He dumps them on the counter so I get to work with putting them away. Listening to the boys arguing. "Is that my computer?"

"Of course."


"Mine is in the bedroom."

"And you couldn't be bothered to get up?" With a snap of the laptop. "It's password protected."

"In a manner of speaking. Took me less than a minute to guess yours. Not exactly Fort Knox. Michelle's however, I guessed within twenty minutes at least she's been getting better at protecting her data."

"Great! Thanks Sherlock!" I replied, coming back in the living room. "You guessed my password!!"

"There are forty-three."


"Types of password. That people like you commonly use."

"What does that mean? 'people like me'."

"Ordinary minds... I see you've started a blog."

"Oh! Hang on let me get the popcorn and sit down, I ain't missing this!" I said, running in the kitchen then running back in, Jumping to the sofa opening the packet. " 'Imperious'. Not a word I've ever been called before."

"I said some nice stuff about you too... I said you knew some good restaurants."

" 'Pompous' has a 'U' in it."

"Right. Thank you." Snatching the laptop away from Sherlock, once again. He then collapses on his chair looking through mail. "Well you don't pay for this kind of entertainment anymore." Ignoring my comment John then went on to say: "I need to get a job."

"Oh. Dull!"

"You would of had a job if you accepted Mycroft's offer."

"I didn't know who he was! Besides I need to pay my way, I want to eat actual food this month." Sherlock jumps up from his chair starting to get ready to go out. "I need go to the bank." John and I proceeded to get ready following him out...

A gleaming sign reads: 'SHAD SANDERSON'. Investment bank.

Sherlock - The Game Is On!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें