The Sign Of Three- Four

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Chapter Four

Inside of the building, Molly is canoodling with Tom, repeatedly kissing his cheek. Tom indicates that the photographer is approaching them, and she turns and smiles into the camera while he takes some pictures. I move to look over to Mar-Mar and Mr Chatterjee. Apparently all is forgiven between them. She smiles happily for the camera; Mr Chatterjee doesn't look quite so happy to be here.

The photographer turns and snaps several pictures of Greg who is sitting at a table and drinking. Greg, looking a little glum, raises his glass to him.
John and Mary stand nearby.

I turn back to Sherlock and Janine, joining in on the conversation. "He's nice." Sherlock sniffs deeply. "Traces of two leading brands of deodorant, both advertised for their strength, suggestive of a chronic body odour problem manifesting under stress."

"Okay, done there. What about his friend?" I turn to look in her direction, another waiter is carefully pulling out the skewer from the middle of a large joint of roast beef. "Long term relationship, compulsive cheat." I determined. "Seriously?"

"Waterproof cover on his smartphone. Yet his complexion doesn't indicate outdoor work. Suggests he's in the habit of taking his phone into the shower with him, which means he often receives texts and emails he'd rather went unseen." I finished. "Can I keep you both?"

"D'you like solving crimes?" Sherlock asked, not expecting a answer. "Do you have a vacancy?"

"Oh, God, wow!" I look towards the uniformed man.
"He came!" I heard John mutter. I leave Sherlock, walking over to him with John.

Third POV

While Mary smiles with delight, John and Michelle walk over to the man and they all salute each other. Sherlock walks over to Mary. "So that's him. Major Sholto." Sherlock narrows his eyes. "If they're such good friends, why don't they mention him?"

"He mentions him all the time to me. He never shuts up about him. Michelle, however, not so much."

"About him?" Mary made an agreeable noise. She takes a drink from her wine glass, then grimaces. "Urgh. I chose this wine. It's bloody awful."

"Yes, but it's definitely him that they talk about?"


At the entrance, John and Michelle salute the Major. "I'm very, very glad to see you, sir. I know you don't really do this sort of thing." John acted as a bounding puppy. "Well, I do for old friends, Watson... John. It's good to see you. Michelle, I never got the chance to thank you." He salutes again to her. She nods in recognition and moves to give him a brief hug. "Civilian life suiting you, then?"

"Er, er, yes, well... I think so, sir."

"No more need for the trick cyclist?"

"No, I go now and then. Sort of a top up." John stuttered. "Therapy can be very helpful." Sholto awkwardly looks away so Michelle interferes: "Where are you living these days?"

"Oh, way out in the middle of nowhere. You wouldn't know it."

"I've never even heard either of them say his name."

"Well, he's almost a recluse, you know, since..."


"I didn't think he'd show up at all. John says he's the most unsociable man he's ever met."

"He is? He's the most unsociable?" Sherlock deadpanned. "Ah, that's why he's bouncing round him like a puppy and Michelle is smiling more." Mary grins and hugs his arm. "Oh, Sherlock! Neither of us were the first, you know. The Major will forever be in debt to Michelle though, he was one of the soldiers she saved." Sherlock looks to her thoughtfully before dismissing the thoughts away. "Stop smiling."

"It's my wedding day!" Rolling his eyes, Sherlock pulls free and walks away. She takes another drink from her wine glass, then pulls a disgusted face at the taste.

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