The Reichenbach Fall- Three

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Chapter Three

Sherlock's phone trills another text alert. John lowers his newspaper. "I'll get it, shall I?"

"You may as well." I responded, blandly. He stands up and walks over to the phone, picking it up and checking the message while Sherlock continues to look into his microscope. John's face slowly fills with shock. He turns and takes the phone into the kitchen, holding it out to Sherlock. "Here."

"Not now, I'm busy." I walk to the kitchen and look at the text:

Come and play.
Tower Hill.

Jim Moriarty x.

I turn to Sherlock. "Not now." He grumbled. I smack the phone on the table. "He's back." Sherlock's eyes widen and he sinks back on his chair and gazes into space.

A hour later, we arrive at the Tower watching the recorded security footage taken from behind Jim as he sticks the gum onto the glass. "That glass is tougher than anything." Lestrade spoke. "Not tougher than crystallised carbon. He used a diamond." I responded, chillily. Greg adjusts the footage, which shifts to a recording taken from the other side of the glass. The footage also goes into reverse, showing the glass rising back up into place before it shattered. As Jim pulls back the fire extinguisher again and the glass becomes whole, the message which he scrawled onto it becomes clear. He deliberately wrote the words backwards on the glass so that they would be seen from the camera on the other side of the case. With the smiley face inside the "O," the message reads:


I stand back whilst John turns and stares at Sherlock but his eyes remain fixed on the screen.

The 'Daily Express' somehow obtained that security image with the message clear on the glass, and has ran it on its front page with the headline: 'Crime of the Century?' The rest of the text reads: 'Questions are being asked in parliament as to how the Tower of London, Pentonville Prison and the Bank of England were all broken into at the same time by the same man – James Moriarty. // There are unconfirmed reports that Scotland Yard's favourite sleuth and favourable Lady have been called in to help the team piece together the most audacious crime...'

I walked through the room watching John as he stood in front of the mirror wearing a suit and finishing tying his tie before putting on his jacket. Patting my dress down I go towards Sherlock's chair placing my black heels on. Walking to the mirror I spray my hair and apply light makeup to my face. I notice Sherlock stare intensely through the mirror. I wink flirtatiously at him. Walking towards me he kisses the back of my neck, sloppily. Oh Sherlock. Zipping the back of my dress, he hugs me from behind. Once again, staring intensely at me through the mirror.

"Ready?" John asked, checking his pockets. "Five more minutes." Sherlock murmurs. I laugh. "Come on, detective. The game is on." Grabbing my bag I walk to the door. "That's my line." He replies, sulkily. "It's our line."

Bracing ourselves, John opens the door. A large crowd of journalists immediately start photographing us and calling out questions as the police clear way and allow us through to the waiting police car. Sherlock opens the rear door letting me slide in.

Reaching Trafalgar Square. John starts to broaden the conversation. "Remember..."

"Yes." Sherlock replies instantly. "Remember what they told you: don't try to be clever and please, just keep it simple and brief. The both of you."

"God forbid the star witnesses at the trial should come across as intelligent." I spoke. " 'Intelligent,' fine; Let's give 'smart-arse' a wide berth."

"I'll just be myself." Sherlock dismissed. "Are you listening to me?! Either of you?!"

"This is the trial of the century..."

"The trial of James Moriarty..." News reporters start speaking within our hearing range. "Guess we're here." Reaching the back of the building, to provide some closure, we exit the car and enter the courthouse...

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