The Empty Hearse- Nine

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Chapter Nine

I woke up to a pounding to my head. What the hell happened last night? Obviously it was some form of warning meant for Sherlock. Hearing some distant chatter in the living room, I decided to get up. Sitting on the edge of the bed I rubbed my eyes before getting ready.

"Which wasn't the way I'd put it at all. Silly woman. Anyway, it was then that I first noticed it was missing. I said, 'Have you checked down the back of the sofa'?" I recognised that voice from anywhere. "Mrs Holmes?" I croaked out. Everyone's head snapped to the direction of me. "Michelle!" She stood up, rushing over to me, enveloping me with a hug. "Oh, dear? Are you alright?" She cupped my face.

"I'm still kicking." Mr Holmes stood up. I stood some distance away from him. He smiled before opening his welcoming arms. I giggled but walked to him, being enveloped once more. "How are ya, kiddo?" He brushes his hand over my hair. "I'm very well, sir." Siger laughed. "How many times... You, out of all people don't need to address us like that."

"Very well, Siger." He smiled. I turn to Sherlock. "Morning."

"Morning." He greeted back. "Are you alright?" There was a strain of worry in his voice. I smiled. "I'm good." He nodded in confirmation. Taking to sit in John's chair, we listened to his parents banter. "He's always losing things down the back of the sofa, aren't you, dear?"

"Afraid so." Sherlock continues to stare at me. I offer a smile. "Keys, small change, sweeties. Especially his glasses."


"Blooming things. I said, 'Why don't you get a chain wear 'em round your neck?' And he says..." I mute the conversation from my head. Don't get me wrong, I love Sherlock's parents, I love them as if they were my own but the conversations can get tiresome. "So did you find it eventually, your lottery ticket?" Sherlock steps onto the coffee table and then on the sofa between his parents. "Sherlock!" I scold. "Well, yes, thank goodness. We caught the coach on time after all. We managed to see, er, St Paul's, the Tower... But they weren't letting anyone in to Parliament." Sherlock and I share a frown. "Some big debate going on."

The door opens no sooner after, welcoming John. Sherlock looks to him in surprise. "John!"

"Sorry, you're busy."

"Er, no, they were just leaving."

"Oh, were we?"

"Sherlock!" I scold again, more firmly. "Yes."

"No, no, if you've got a case..."

"No, not a case, no, no." He turns to his mother. "Go. Bye."

"Yeah, well, we're here 'til Saturday, remember."

"Yes, great, wonderful. Just get out." I stand up and push Sherlock away from his parents. "I'll handle it." He nods his gratitude whilst I see to them downstairs. "I can't tell you how glad we are, Michelle. All that time people thinking the worst of our Sherlock. We're just so pleased it's all over."

"Me too, Violet. Me too."

"Is it true that he confessed his love to you on the roof?" Both of them turn to me in question. "Yes." My cheeks begin to brighten embarrassingly. "Oh, that's marvellous."

"Make sure Sherlock rings up more often?" I nod. "She worries." Siger pointed to his wife. "I promise."

"You're a good one for our boy." Siger mutters brightly. I wave them off by the door before going back in.

"Your parents?"

"Mycroft promised to take them to a matinee of 'Les Mis.' Tried to talk me into doing it."

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