The Final Problem- Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Third POV

Sherlock, Mycroft and John watched the 'Live' CCTV of Michelle's home.

Meanwhile; Through the camera, Michelle was pacing around with Rosie in her arms and a smile blessed on her face. She walks up to the corner of the room and stands Rosie up, holding onto her hands. Mary sits at the other end of the room, with the rest of the crew crouching behind her.

"You've got this, baba." Michelle cheers on. Rosie looks up to her and giggles. Walking a few steps with her, Michelle slowly let's go of her dinky hands. Mary was clapping and the others were cheering.

There was a moment where Rosie stood still before she looked up and waddled her way over to her mother. "She did it!" Mary encloses her with a hug. Rosie was laughing proud of herself.

John smiled, watching the screen. His daughter walked on her own for the first time.

Turning around, little Rosie twinkled her little eyes to Michelle. Giggling she waddles over, this time faster, to Michelle. Sitting on the sofa, Rosie hugs Michelle's legs. Making the gesture of 'up' with her arms she picks her up.

Rosie hugs her belly, happily. Michelle looked to her laughing. "It seems Rosie noticed too."

Sherlock frowns whilst Mycroft's eyes widen.

"First Mj, now Rosie? What's going on?" Anthea asks. Passing Rosie to Mary, Michelle gets her bag and places it over her lap. "I had to go hospital this morning..."

"Why, what's wrong?" Everyone jumped to conclusions. "Nothing to worry about really. Bones was the first to bring it to my attention. He hasn't been this close to me since he was a pup. Constantly following me."

Unzipping her bag, she withdraws a white envelope. She fiddles with it for a moment which makes everyone worry furthermore. "Michelle?" Irene questioned gently, making her way to sit next to her. "I was bleeding... This morning."


"And obviously last time I was like this..." She looks up to everyone in the room. "Well, you know."

The boys looked to the footage. Dubious and unsure.

Meanwhile, Michelle opens the envelope. But doesn't take the contents out. "I doubted myself at first. Which is stupid really, cause I'm the cleverest one to of ever lived."

Eurus scoffs. The Holmes brothers take notice for a moment. Sherlock, was beyond the urge of adrenaline. Was she? Is she? Has she?

Irene pulled out a handkerchief. "Oh? Thank you. Didn't realise I was crying at this point." Wiping her eyes, she clears her throat. Mary, Eric, Anthea and the children watched unsurely.

Michelle pulls the contents out and carefully circles the two small dots on the picture with her thumbs. Irene smiles. "I'm pregnant." She whispers. "Sorry, can you repeat that?" Mary states.

Springing up with newfound energy, she walks around the room. "I'm pregnant!" She laughs. "He's got me up the duff... Again." She falls into a chair and laughs. "Oh my god! Congratulations!"

She flips the picture around to show the scan. "Wait! Is that two?" Anthea asks. "Yep. I'm up the duff with two." She jumps up. "I'm pregnant with Yellowbeard's babies."

Sherlock's brows furrow. Yellowbeard. That's him.

- - This is the part Mycroft has kept hidden from you. - -

Eurus presses a button which makes the rooms lighting turn red.

- - Tick-tock tick-tock tick-rock - -

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