A Scandal In Belgravia- Nine

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Chapter Nine

"Where is it now?"

"Where no one will look."

"Whatever's on that phone is more than pictures."

"Yes, it is." Sherlock responded whilst tinkering with his violin. "So, she's alive then. How are we feeling about that?" Big Ben chimes to welcome the New Year. Sherlock pulls in a sharp breath. "Happy New Year, John. Michelle." He nodded towards me then begun playing Auld Lang Syne. "Do you think you'll be seeing her again?" Sherlock turns around to look at him and by that John gets the message, sitting down in his chair he draws a glass of brandy to his lips.

I walked to Sherlock, wrapping my arms around his stomach. "Happy New Year, Darling." I mumbled resting my face in the middle of his back. John coughed, I turned around. "Sit." He pointed to the chair. "Why?"

"Just sit, please." I move to the chair. "Yes, John?"

"That agent frightened you. Why?"

"John please abbreviate."

"In all the time I've known you, you don't show fear. So what I'm asking is: How do you know him? What has he done? And why are you frightened?" John certainly didn't beat around the bush. I smile sadly whilst a tear dribbles down my face. Breathing in deeply I start my monologue. "I remember him from Afghanistan. When I went MIA it wasn't just my men that were captured. I was too." I took a shaky breath in. "Erm, well, being tortured for a month certainly did impact me and before I knew it someone got me out. One minute I'm chained whilst being injected and the next I'm waking up in a rough set up of an infirmary."

"Injected with?" John lightly pressed on. I wipe my eyes with the back of my sleeves. Sherlock stopped playing and just stared through the window. "I don't think you wanna know." I mumbled out. "Did they ra-"

"No, they just did something worse." By now I was sinking in Sherlock's chair with my hands clasped around my legs and my head resting on my knees. "Michelle what did they do to you?" John mumbled. Perhaps he was scared too. "If I told you, you would find it stupid."

"I don't think he would." Sherlock spoke, knowing very well that he deduced it and probably looked further in context. I let silence envelope us before responding: "They took away the chance of me ever wanting a baby. What they injected me with, from what I was told, made me infertile. See told you it was stupid." John sighed. "Why are you frightened of him in particular?"

I peer out at him, noticing now that he was leant forward in his chair and Sherlock was standing staring at me. "Ever been curious about this scar in particular?" I pointed to my neck, where a dark jagged line was. "He didn't attempt to kill me..." I couldn't finish the sentence so Sherlock did. "He succeeded in torture."

"I'm so sorry." John spoke. "It's fine. It isn't like you did it." I stood up and was about to walk to the bathroom before the boys clasped on to my hands. I turned to look and for that fact alone they tugged me to them. Heads resting on my shoulders and arms laying on my back I hug them with everything I have. "Michelle if I knew I wouldn't of asked." John mumbled out. "It's alright. Better sooner than later."

John moved to the kitchen and I found my chance to really clasp onto Sherlock. "You must think of me an idiot to be like this. People like us shouldn't be like this."

"Michelle were human. I think we can slip now and again." Lifting his head from my shoulder he moved my hair away and gave a gentle kiss to my scar...

Over the number of weeks I and the lads grew closer. It was as if they saw me in a new light. Even Mycroft came round with an agent or two asking if there was anything I needed. However, even though I was seen in a new light Sherlock was persistent in cracking the password on Adler's phone...

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