The Reichenbach Fall- Finale

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Chapter Nineteen

Days seemed longer without the usual to our routines. Nights were the hardest. The repeated flashbacks of the situation playing over and over again. I took to playing the violin quite a bit. I discovered my talent for it.

After Sherlock's funeral, it didn't take long for John to decide packing up and leaving. He moved out to be precise. I didn't blame him. I didn't disagree with him. I understood. I helped in finding a small house, pulling a few strings along the way. John was grateful.

Sat in his chair, I looked around dazed. I haven't slept in over two days. Just couldn't face it. I did consider trashing the flat again but what good would come from it. I felt empty.

So empty.

My aunt tried her best to brighten my days. Whether it be bringing up a cuppa or watching telly, but to no avail I still stayed the same. Empty. Numb. Tired. The door bell rings, knocking me out my gaze. Mar-Mar was out food shopping. Tying the robe around myself, I lazily walk downstairs to the door.

Opening the door, I saw no one. I peer a little further out but my foot knocks something. Looking down I notice a pair of baby eyes staring at me. Sat on my doorstep was a German Shepherd crossed Border Collie puppy. Just like a baby, he sat in a basket, looking hopeful at me. Bending down I pat the dogs head, who apparently takes a liking to me straight away. Unclipping the note from his basket, I start to read:

Let's just say, you need this. A little affection.

It was typed up and I couldn't really focus on deducing it. A small smile forms on my face however. Something I haven't done for the past month or so. Picking up the basket I take the small pup upstairs. I cradle him to me, making sure to wrap my dressing gown delicately around him. "Do you have a name?" The pup just looks to me. I take that as a no. "Well, what do we call you?" I ponder.

His fur was a mixture of black and light brown and he had the slightest tint of hazel in his eyes. "How about whisky? Or shall we go with something more original like bones?" The pup looks at me with ears raised straight away after my last sentence. "Bones it is. Well, welcome to my humble home."

Days seemed to brighten slightly the day I welcomed Bones home. Mar-Mar and I got everything sorted from documents to bedding for the curious pup. In honour to Sherlock, Bones took his surname. It had a nice ring to it.

Bones was ambitious to learn. And learn he did. Even if it sounds stupid, I thought to the small pup as a child of my own. He brought a comfort to me and I felt a maternal bond kick in. What I loved the most about the little living thing was he understood. Nights when I couldn't sleep he'd climb or yap for me to pick him up. Most nights if not all, I spent in my bed snuggled with him.

He brought a vague routine back to me, reminding me to eat. Reminding me to sleep but most of all bones reminded me to love.


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