The Sign Of Three- Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Sherlock tried to act nonchalantly as he walks over to a nearby table and picks up one of the name cards on it while pulling a pen on a chain from his waistcoat. "Ooh! A recluse, small household staff. High turnover for additional security." Sherlock walks by me, looking to be pacing, whilst in fact, he dropped the name card in my hand. I walk over to Sholto's table and casually drop the name card down in front of him before retreating away. "Probably all signed confidentiality agreements. There is another question that remains, however, a big one, a huge one: how would you do it? How would you kill someone in public?"

I turn to see Sholto now looking to the card. "There has to be a way. This has been planned." Archie suddenly jumps up from his chair. "Mr Holmes! Michelle!" We pause to look at him. "Oh, hello again, Archie." We bend forward to his eye level, not in a patronising way. "What's your theory? Get this right and there's a headless nun in it for you."

"The invisible man could do it."

"The who, the what, the why, the when, the where?" Sherlock and I question simultaneously. "The invisible man with the invisible knife. The one who tried to kill the Guardsman." I gasp whilst Sherlock straightens up.

I retreat to my own mind palace and look back to the wedding plans on the wall above the sofa. Skimming my eyes from ideas to plans, I shift my eyes grimacing slightly, over from 'plans' to 'venue'. My eyes then focus to 'plan' slowly moving to 'rehearsal'. "Oh, not just planned. Planned and rehearsed." I spoke aloud.

We turn to see Sholto reaching the door. Sherlock turns back and heads quickly towards the top table, swiping someone's champagne glass from a table as he goes. "Ladies and gentlemen, there will now be a short interlude." He skids to a halt in front of the top table and turns and holds up his glass. "The bride and groom!" A little uncertainly this time, the guests stand up and raise their glasses. "The bride and groom." Instantly Sherlock turns back and bends down to John. "Major Sholto's going to be murdered. I don't know how or by whom, but it's going to happen." I heard mumbled.

I turn and make my way through the guests, hearing Sherlock nearby. "'Scuse me, coming through!" On a half-landing partway up the staircase, Sherlock stands with the tips of his fingers against his temples and his eyes screwed closed. John paces impatiently beside him. "How can you not remember which room? You remember everything."

"I have to delete something!" I close my eyes for a moment suddenly recalling: "Two oh seven." Mary and I chimed. The boys chase after us, Sherlock overtakes us and grasps my hand. Reaching the second floor, Sherlock knocks on the door of Room 207 and tries the handle. "Major Sholto? Major Sholto!" Sherlock starts rattling the door which quickly escalates to slamming his fist against it. "Major Sholto!"

"If someone's about to make an attempt on my life, it won't be the first time. I'm ready." John and Mary finally join us, John starts banging on the door whilst Sherlock flexes his fingers. "Major, let us in."

"I'll kick the bloody door down if I have to." I determine. "I really wouldn't. I have a gun in my hand and a lifetime of unfortunate reflexes."

"And I'm super aware of my surroundings." I counter argue. "You're not safe in there. Whoever's after you, we know that a locked room doesn't stop him."

"'The invisible man with the invisible knife'." Sholto mimics Archie's words. "I don't know how he does it, so I can't stop him, and that means he'll do it again."

"Solve it, then."

"I'm sorry?"

"You're the famous Mr Holmes. Solve the case. On you go." Sherlock straightens up, his eyes rapidly flickering from side to side. "Tell me how he did it and I'll open the door." John steps forward again. "Please, this is no time for games. Just let us in! You're in danger!" He pleads. "So are you, so long as you're here. Please, leave me. Despite my reputation, I really don't approve of collateral damage."

"Solve it." Mary turns to me. "Sorry?" I question. "Solve it, and he'll open the door, like he said."

"He said that to Sherlock."

"There's no difference, Michelle." She simplifies. "If I couldn't solve it before, how can you think Michelle can solve it now?" Sherlock deadpanned. "Because it matters now."

"What are you talking about? What's she talking about? Get your wife under control." Sherlock points to John. "She's right." John agrees with his wife. "Oh, you've changed!"

"No, she is. Shut up. You are not a puzzle-solver, you never have been. You're a drama queen. Now, there is a man in there about to die. 'The game is on.' Solve it!" Sherlock bares his teeth at him. I gasp in realisation. I step to Mary, kissing her head. "Though, in fairness, he's a drama queen too." I point to John. "Yeah, I know." Whilst John frowns I speak loudly towards the door. "James, no one's coming to kill you. I'm afraid you've already been killed several hours ago."

"What did you say?"

"Don't take off your belt." Sherlock seems to finally realise whilst I instructed. "My belt?" Sholto questions. "His belt, yes. Bainbridge was stabbed hours before we even saw him, but it was through his belt. Tight belt, worn high on the waist. Very easy to push a small blade through the fabric and you wouldn't even feel it." Sherlock spit fired. John begins nodding in understanding. "The belt would bind the flesh together when it was tied tight..."

"Exactly." I nod. "And when you took it off..."

"Delayed action stabbing. All the time in the world to create an alibi. Major Sholto?"

"So, I was to be killed by my uniform. How appropriate."

"They solved the case, Major. You're supposed to open the door now. A deal is a deal." Mary spoke. "I'm not even supposed to have this any more. They gave me special dispensation to keep it. I couldn't imagine life out of this uniform. I suppose, given the circumstances, I don't have to. When so many want you dead, it hardly seems good manners to argue."

"Whatever you're doing in there, James, stop it, right now. I will kick this door down." I state again. "Mr Holmes, you and I are similar, I think." I pause my movements, blinking inhumanly at the door. "Yes, I think we are." Sherlock agrees. "There's a proper time to die, isn't there?"

"Of course there is."

"And one should embrace it when it comes, like a soldier."

"Of course one should, but not at John's wedding. We wouldn't do that, would we, you and me? We would never do that to John Watson..." Sherlock spoke firmly but pauses for a moment before looking to me. "Or Michelle Phillips for that matter." Sherlock pulls me to him whilst he steps away from the door.

John walks towards the door, listening for sound. Taking his jacket of he gets ready: "I'm gonna break it down."

"No, wait, wait, you won't have to." Mary urges. The door opens. Sholto glances briefly at Sherlock, then lowers his eyes to me before looking at John. "I believe I am in need of medical attention."

"I believe I am your doctor." John follows Sholto to his room with Mary in tow. Sherlock closes his eyes for a moment before pulling me closer to him. Head resting on his chest I listen to his heartbeat whilst Sherlock's breathing eventually evens out.

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