The Lying Detective- Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Third POV

"Are you having one of your jokes?" She chuckles, then stops walking forward and looks enquiringly at Sherlock. "Who are you?" John frowns at her question.

Sherlock lowers his chin, flashing back to a close up rear view of the hair of the woman who stood at his window three weeks ago, before focusing in on the hairline and then the mouth of the woman in front of him.

He lowers his gaze to her hand leaning on her walking cane and the gold patterning on the stick which seems very similar, maybe even identical, to those on the stick which the Faith he met then holds in flashback as she sits on the client chair in 221B.

In the mortuary, Sherlock raises his gaze to this Faith's face, then flashes back to the face of the woman he met before. He screws his eyes shut and sees mortuary-room Faith sitting on the client chair at 221B. Various details appear around her:

Hair: Mid-Blonde
Height: 5'5"
Dress Size: 10
Skin: Fair
Posture: Favours Right

In the mortuary, Sherlock frowns at her. "Who the hell are you?" Smith walks across the room to the woman. "Sherlock Holmes! Surely you recognise him." Smith spoke to his daughter. "Oh my God!" She seems to have a fan girl moment. (Don't we all?) Smith hums in agreement. She gasps and looks at her father, smiling. "Sherlock Holmes! I love your blog."

"You're not her. You're not the woman who came to Baker Street."

"Um, well, no. Never been there."

"Well, there must have been some build up. He didn't just suddenly do it." Greg Lestrade questions John in the interview room. "Look, I didn't know he had the bloody scalpel."

"Sorry, I'm not sure I completely understand."

"U-understand what?" Faith stutters. Smith walks to stand between them. "Well, I thought you two were old friends!" Faith begins to giggle a little. "No! We've never met."

"Oh, dear! Oh!"

"Have we?" Faith questions Sherlock. Smith begins to laugh. John steps towards his colleague. "Sherlock?" Faith lets out a nervous laugh and Smith is still chuckling. Sherlock stares down towards the floor. "So who came to my flat?" He raises his eyes to Faith. "Well, it wasn't me." Smith's laughter becomes louder. "Oh, no!" He doubles over laughing. Faith lets out a quiet confused laugh. "You... Look... Different."

"I wasn't there." Smith cackles with delight. Sherlock screws his eyes shut.

"Who came to my flat?" He spoke to his mind palace. He flashes back to sitting in his chair holding up his phone showing a photo of Faith and Smith. It's mortuary-Faith in the photo as it was three weeks ago and as he lowers the phone and looks at the woman sitting on the chair opposite him, she's the one he met back then, looking so similar that he only noticed slight differences and didn't realise she wasn't the same woman.

"I'm sorry, Mr Holmes, but..."

Sherlock opens his eyes and shakes his head.

"I don't think I've ever been anywhere near your flat."

Sherlock's lower lip trembles and his eyes are wide with shock. Smith continues to laugh uproariously. "Oh, dear!" He puts the back of one hand to his mouth. "Oh, no!" Sherlock stares downwards.

In flashback, Bill looks at him through the gap between the kitchen doors. "Who you talkin' to?"

In the mortuary, Sherlock's eyes start to widen.

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