The Great Game- Two

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Chapter Two

Third POV

Michelle woke up in her bedroom with a message from Anthea:

Check the news. xx

Michelle was puzzled but got ready and was sat in the kitchen reading the newspaper.

'Local man and women, Mr and Mrs Phillips arrested for child abuse of their daughter, who shall be left unnamed. Arrested and charged for years of emotional and physical abuse...' She read in detail every paragraph and laughed brightly at it. She was shocked. Her parents were arrested. She was joyful but little did she know it would get better...

Mrs Hudson ran up the stairs into the kitchen and smiled triumphantly. "Oh muffin, have you heard the news?"

"Yes it would seem my parents have been brought to justice." She said folding away the newspaper. "No, not just that but Sebastian Moran has been arrested too." Michelle looked at her, face emotionless with eyes wide. "What?" All those years, locking those memories away tumbled out. "He's been dishonourably discharged from the Army and sent to prison."

"How long for?"

"Life." Mrs Hudson said. Michelle covered her mouth in shock. She never thought this day would come. She started to giggle which gradually turned into flat out laughing, streaming with tears. This was an acquired asset Michelle tended to do when she was nervous or antsy, and it didn't go unnoticed by the Holmes brothers. "Oh my God." She was internally freaking out. It was then that she realised they were not the only people in the room.

She walked into the living room, both men standing up and looking at her. She smiled before kissing Mycroft on the cheek. She then went to Sherlock, getting on her tiptoes kissing his cheek and enveloped him in a hug. His pale blush didn't go unnoticed by his brother before gradually hugging the girl back. "Good morning, my dear." Mycroft greeted. She was biting her lip. "Thank you." She said to both of them whilst tears were laying rivers on her cheeks. Mycroft handed her his handkerchief. Mrs Hudson nodded at them before patting Michelle on the back and leaving. The boys then proceeded to sit down after her. "What for?" Sherlock stated trying to occupy himself by rubbing his finger up one of the strings of his violin. "I'm not stupid, I know Mar-Mar said something which lead to you and Mycroft taking my case."

"Well it wasn't just us, Anthea and Eric were, to say, very enthusiastic to bring them to justice, my dear." Mycroft said. Sherlock peered at Mycroft, jealousy bubbling in him. Michelle laughed, which brought a cloak of warmth to the room. The boys couldn't help but smile too. "I really appreciate it. Do you guys want tea?" They both nodded lightly before she waltzed into the kitchen and started mindfulness actions. Sherlock's eyes followed her into the kitchen. Mycroft smiled, it was small but it was there. He was happy for his brother, even if Sherlock didn't realise it yet...

Michelle didn't know it but she would forever now have the protection and adoration of both brothers. Just like she did before... Something that was hard to achieve by anyone.

In the kitchen, John came racing in the room. I almost forgot about last night's occurrence. "Sherlock! Michelle! You alright? Wait, what's got Michelle so happy?" I walked through placing the cups of tea on the table. John was staring at me. "Have you killed someone?" I laughed. "Oh no, nothing like that. My parents and Captain are in prison."

"Oh I know that, I helped." I ran to him and tackled him with a hug. "Woah calm down!" He huffed. I slapped his chest. "I will do nothing of a sort, I'm happy leave me alone." I stropped, crossing my arms and stomping my heeled foot into the floor. "John, leave her alone." Sherlock stated. We all turned around to face him. "I can't."

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