The Final Problem- Eight

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Chapter Eight

Third POV

In the governor's office, Mycroft slumps back in the chair and is no longer looking at the screen as the recording playback continues. John, on the other hand, has walked closer to the screen and is watching intensely:

- - She smiles at you when you come home. Like a reflex. - -

"Everyone we sent in there; It-it's hard to describe." John turns as the governor continues:  "It's... It's like she..."

"Recruited them." Mycroft finished.

- - Smiling is advertising. - -

"Enslaved them."

"She's been capable of that since she was five."

- - Smiling is happiness. - -

John turns to the screen again. "She's an adult now. I warned you; I ordered you." The governor sighs and smiles a little. "She's clinically unique. We had to try." John looks at him for a moment then turns back to the screen. "At what cost?"

- - Happiness is a pop song. Sadness is a poem. - -

"What cost?" Mycroft spoke with a softer tone whilst turning back to the governor. "Tell me the worst thing that has happened."

"She kept suggesting to Doctor Taylor that he should kill his family."


"He said it was like an earworm; Couldn't get her out of his head."


"He left."

"And?" Mycroft added for the third time for charm. "Killed himself... And his family." John had been watching the governor but now turns to the screen again:

- - Are you going to cry? - -

Mycroft turns his head to the screen, where Eurus has turned her head a little but still has her eyes fixed on the camera. She straightens her head again:

- - It's okay if you cry. - -

- - I don't need to cry. - -

- - I can help you cry. - -

"Play for me."

"I need to know how you got out of here."

"You know already. Look at me. Look and play." Keeping his eyes on hers, he lifts the violin and starts to play Bach's Sonata No. 1 in G minor, the same tune he played in 'Reichenbach' when Moriarty came to his flat after his trial fell apart. Sherlock has only played about a second's worth of the music when Eurus interrupts: "No, not Bach; You clearly don't understand it. Play you."


"You." Eurus gave confirmation. Hesitating for a long moment, Sherlock then lifts the bow and begins to play Michelle's lament. Something he'd been composing for sometime, he begun to compose it during the night she beat Adler. Or as we now know her as Irene Lyons. He has only played two notes before Eurus speaks again: "Oh! Have you had sex?"

"Why do you ask?" Sherlock spoke over his playing. "The music. It's familiar. I've had sex."


"One of the nurses got careless. I liked it. Messy, though. People are so breakable."

"I take it he didn't consent."

"He?" Eurus gleams amusingly. "She?" Sherlock questioned. "Afraid I didn't notice in the heat of the moment and afterwards... Well, you couldn't really tell. Is that vibrato or is your hand shaking?" Sherlock finishes the long note he's playing, then stops and lowers the violin and bow. Eurus lifts one side of her mouth in a smile.

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