A Scandal In Belgravia- Two

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Chapter Two

Sherlock wanders out from the hallway wearing only a sheet...

The Sherlock Holmes was in a sheet. "You realise this is a tiny bit humiliating?" We were currently facetiming John on the laptop. "It's okay, I'm fine."

"Show us to the stream."

"Oh, hi Michelle. And I didn't mean embarrassing for you Sherlock."

"Look, this is a six, there's no point in leaving the flat for anything less than a seven. We agreed. Now, go back. Show me the grass." John walked down the stream, turning the laptop so we could get a clear view on the grass and stream. "When did we agree that?

"Sherlock was talking about it yesterday, you weren't here."

"I was at Dublin."

"Well it's hardly my fault you weren't listening." The door bell started to ring. "Shut up!" Surprisingly, the door stopped ringing. "Do you just carry on talking when I'm away?"

"I dunno, how often are you away? Now, show me the car that backfired."

"It's there."

"That's the one that made the noise, yes?" Sighing to myself, I went to my room to get changed. "Sherlock! You weren't answering the doorbell!"

"His room's through the back. Get him some clothes."

"Sorry, but who are you?" I asked. "Sorry, but you're coming with us as well Miss Phillips." I looked at the guy. SUIT £700. Glancing at his breast pocket I noticed: UNARMED. Forehead: OFFICE WORKER. RIGHT HANDED. INDOOR WORKER. "I know exactly where were going." We followed the men out, driving us to Buckingham Palace...

Not too soon afterwards we were shown to a closed of room, accompanied with two sets of sofas and a coffee table. "Your not wearing anything underneath, are you?"

"Nope... Problem?"

"Not really." Not long after John came through. he gave us pair a 'what the hell look'. We just shrugged. "No John, he isn't." John closed his mouth before he had chance to speak. "Okay."

"At Buckingham Palace... I'm seriously fighting the impulse to steal an ashtray." We start laughing. "What are we doing here? Seriously? Here to see the Queen?" At that moment Mycroft walked through. "Oh, apparently yes." The boys started to laugh. I just smiled. "Just once, can you two behave like grown-ups? At least Michelle can."

"We solve crimes for living, I blog about it, Michelle works for you and he." Pointing towards Sherlock. "Forgets his pants, so I wouldn't hold out too much hope."

"I was in the middle of a case, Mycroft."

"What, the hiker and the backfire? I glanced at the police report. Bit obvious, surely?"

"Transparent." Mycroft picks up Sherlock's clothes from the table, turning to offer them Sherlock. Mycroft just sighs. "We are in Buckingham Palace, the very heart of the British nation. Sherlock Holmes, put your trousers on."

"What for?"

"Your client."

"And my client is..."

"Illustrious in the extreme. Remaining, I have to inform you, entirely anonymous. Mycroft!"

"Harry. May I apologise for the state of my little brother."

"Full-time occupation, I imagine." Harry moves towards myself and John. "And this must be Doctor John Watson, formerly of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers."

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