The Great Game- Three

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Chapter Three

Scotland Yard. Lestrade's Office - Day

We arrived at Lestrade's office, John was walking in front of us. Basically covering to the eye that I was holding Sherlock's hand. "You only like the funny cases, don't you? The surprising one's?"


"You're gonna love this... Hi John. Hi Michelle."


"That explosion."

"Gas leak, yes? No?"

"Hardly anything left of the place. Except a strong box. A very strong box. And inside was this." He hands Sherlock an envelope. Good quality, Cream-coloured. On it was Sherlock Holmes - written by hand. Sherlock looks at it in surprise. "You haven't opened it?"

"Addressed to you, isn't it? We've x-rayed it. No booby trap."

"How reassuring." I glance at the envelope again, "Nice stationary. Bohemian." I stated. "What?"

"From the Czech Republic. No finger-prints?"


"She used a fountain pen. Parker Duofold. Iridium nib."

"She?" John asked. "Obviously." Carefully, Sherlock opens the envelope. From inside tumbles an iPhone. But not any old iPhone. The pink covered phone from, as John calls it: 'A Study In Pink'. "But that's the phone, the pink phone."

"What, from 'A Study In Pink'?" 

"Well it isn't, of course, but it's supposed to look like it... 'A Study In Pink' you read his blog??"

"Course I read his blog, we all do. Do you really not know the Earth goes round the Sun?" A snort of laughter rings from a few desks away. We glance and notice Donovan pretending she isn't listening. She then notices me and shuts up. I smile. "It's not the same phone, this one's brand new. Someone's gone to a lot of trouble to make it look like the same phone, which suggests your blog has a wider readership."

Turning the phone around, He types in the retrieval code. Putting it on speaker:

You have one new message.






"That's it?"

"No, that's not it." Showing the phone, we see a bare empty flat. "What the hell are we supposed to make of that? An estate agent's photo and bloody Greenwich pips!"

"It's a warning." I stated. "A warning?" John asked, puzzled. "Some secret societies used to send dried Melon seeds. Orange pips. Learnt it from the Air Force. Five pips! They're warning us that it's going to happen again... We've seen this place before." I finished looking around. Sherlock looked at me with a faint smile pondering his lips. We start walking to the door. "Hang on. What's going to happen again?"


We all get into a cab, driving back to Baker Street. Lestrade came so we were cramped, however Sherlock had his arm around my lower back, his hand placed on my hip. He's been really close to me ever since Shan almost killed me with a ballista. It was nice feeling wanted. Sherlock made no eye contact with anyone in the cab, but Lestrade and John kept sneaking glances at us. "Lestrade, do shut up." Sherlock stated, whilst his occupied hand was rubbing soothing circles on my hip. God I'm tingling. Why am I tingling? How am I tingling? "Didn't say anything."

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