The Sign Of Three- Finale

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Just for inspiration to the lower part of this chapter "As the world falls down" by David Bowie.

Chapter Fourteen

In the reception room, the tables have been cleared away. Looking into each other's eyes, Mary and John are dancing a slow waltz in the middle of the room to the sound of a single violin while the guests and I stand around the edge of the room and watch them.

On a low stage at the end of the room Sherlock is playing his violin. The tune he's been perfecting for weeks. He sways gently while he plays, his eyes fixed on the newlyweds. As the tune draws to an end, John shifts one hand to Mary's back, holds her by the waist with the other and starts to dip her backwards. Mary gasps. "Really?!" Chuckling, he bends her backwards as she giggles. He kisses her as the tune ends. The guests break into applause and some of them cheer. Everyone is looking at the happy couple except Janine who directs her applause towards Sherlock. She whoops at him.

Sherlock ignores her without realisation. I smile. Turning to the music stand in front of him. A few moments later, he spins around, facing me through the distance and raises his hand. Sherlock tosses his flower that was attached to his buttonhole to me. Catching it with ease, I hook it to the corner of my bolero jacket.

John and Mary wave their thanks to Sherlock whilst he steps up to the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, just, er, one last thing before the evening begins properly. Apologies for earlier. A crisis arose and was dealt with." He draws in a breath. "More importantly, however, today we saw two people make vows. I've never made a vow in my life, and after tonight..." He pauses in thought. "Well, it's certainly opened my mind." He dismisses. My hands distinctively clasp to each other over my chest. "So, here in front of you all, my first vow. Mary and John: whatever it takes, whatever happens, from now on I swear I will always be there, always, for all three of you." My eyes widen.

He hesitates momentarily, then stutters. "Er, I'm sorry, I mean, I mean two of you. All two of you. Both of you, in fact. I've just miscounted. Anyway, it's time for dancing. Play the music again, please, thank you." Disco lights begin to flash and Sherlock gestures grandly to the guests as Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons' song 'December, 1963 (Oh, what a night.)' starts to play. "Okay, everybody, just dance. Don't be shy!" Jumping from the stage he gestures to couples to dance. The guests start to move onto the floor and begin to dance. "Very good!"

I make my way over to Mary and John at the same time Sherlock does. "Sorry, that was one more deduction than I was really expecting."

"'Deduction'?" Mary questions. "Increased appetite..."

"Change of taste perception..." I add. My mind flickers to the Hen Party a week ago. Mary couldn't keep alcohol down. "And you were sick this morning. You assumed it was just wedding nerves. You got angry with me when I mentioned it to you. All the signs are there." Sherlock gestures. "'The signs'?" I share a glance with Sherlock to John. "The signs of three." My gaze drops to Mary's abdomen. "What?!"

"Mary, I think you should do a pregnancy test." John sighs and drops his head, almost bending over double. Mary grins delightedly at us. "The statistics for the first trimester are..."

"Shut up." Sherlock freezes in the middle of forming his next word. He looks at John as if waiting for permission to continue. "Sorry." John turns to Mary. "How did he notice before me? I'm a bloody doctor."

"It's your day off." I answered. "It's his day off!" John counters. "Stop panicking." Sherlock orders. "I'm not panicking."

"I'm pregnant, I'm panicking."

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