A Scandal In Belgravia- Six

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Chapter Six

Third POV

St Barts Hospital - Night

Sherlock strides ahead through the corridor towards the morgue, Mycroft not far behind. A body welcomes all lying out on the examination table in nothing but a pale white sheet covered over. "The only one that fitted the description. Had her brought here." Mycroft announced to Sherlock.

"You didn't need to come in, Molly" Sherlock deflected. Molly was wearing her usual lab coat over her festive dress. "That's okay. Everyone else was busy with the holiday." Looking awkward she gestured to the body. "The face is a bit, sort of, bashed up, so it might be a bit difficult." She revealed the bodies face. "That's her isn't it?" Mycroft asked...

You are requested at St Bartholomew's immediately. MH.

Finishing up my drink I grabbed my coat and helmet and eventually made my way to the Holmes brothers. I tried to calm myself down by focusing on the road under my tires. It will be over soon...

Making my way to the morgue I was thinking, going through a checklist on what to do and not what to do. Don't make eye contact with Sherlock. Just do what Mycroft has asked you to and leave. Easy! Opening the door I grabbed a pair of gloves and went to Mycroft. "Evening. What can I do for you?"

"Show me the rest of her." Sherlock asked Molly. Fuck! That checklist went out the window. Molly did what he asked. Mycroft and I shared a look. Grimacing to ourselves the body was revealed naked in the air. "That's her." Sherlock stated. "May I, Molly?" I asked. She nodded and with a snap of my gloves I got to work. Running my fingers through her hair, checking the sides of her rib cages and finally looking at her eyes I finished my examination. I looked up to see Sherlock was already gone. "Well what do you think?" Mycroft prodded on.

"This body has extensions in the hair from three days ago, it's wearing contact lenses and there's a barely noticeable scar on the left side where the floating ribs have been removed. Conclusion: This is not Irene Adler, statistically likely someone is after her so she's faked her death to be ahead of the division." With an nod of his head he thanked Molly. "Who is she? How did Sherlock recognise her from... Not her face?" I smiled sympathetically towards her and left the morgue.

"Just the one." Mycroft held a single cigarette towards Sherlock, for him to take. "Why?"

"Merry Christmas." The elder Holmes responded. I walked up to Mycroft, standing by his side. Offering me as well he dug around for a lighter. "Smoking indoors, isn't that one of those... One of those law things?" Sherlock gestured lightly. Exhaling the smoke I responded: "We're in a morgue. There's only so much damage you can do."

"How did you know she was dead?" Mycroft asked. He knew I was right about the body but the best thing to do for Sherlock now was to go along with it until Adler makes herself known again. "She had an item in her possession, one she said her life depended on. She chose to give it up."

"Where is the item now?" Mycroft pressed on, lightly. Sherlock looked off to the distance. I followed his eyes trailing to a family of three from the building across from us. Clearly grieving a death and cuddling up with each other. "Look at them. They all care so much. Do you ever wonder if there's something wrong with us?" Sherlock gestured to afar. Mycroft side glanced at me before responding. "All lives end. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage, Sherlock."

"This is low tar." Sherlock deflected, blowing out a lung full of smoke. "Well you barely knew her."

"Merry Christmas Mycroft." He nodded towards me before he left. "And a happy New Year." Mycroft's voice rang out in the distance. Watching him walk of in the distance I sighed to myself.

"He's on his way. Did you find anything?" Mycroft spoke into the phone presumably to John. "No, but I never am. You have to stay with him." With that he hung up. "John is adamant that he can't stay to watch over Sherlock. I hate to ask but will you?" He gestured on. Dropping the fag butt to the floor a smiled briefly. "I'll take care of it." I kissed his cheek. "Merry Christmas Mycroft." Handing him a small package. A vintage pipe to be exact. Nodding his head in gratitude I made my way to Baker Street for a second time tonight...

"Oh, hi Michelle." John was sat on his chair, reading on his phone. "What are you doing here?"

"Mycroft said you couldn't stay tonight so I offered to take over." He smiled briefly at me before standing up and making his way towards me for a hug. "Michelle I know it's hard for you. I may not understand it I can't even begin to sympathise with you but I know you're finding this difficult." I breathed in deeply wrapping my arms around him. "John I can't help but wonder why is it her he feels like this for? Why her?"

John said nothing in response but hug me tighter...

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